Mobile Services

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Forum Posts

Resolved! EE picture message

I have received a message saying someone has sent me a picture message and then a password to put in. Does anyone know if this is safe? I don’t recognise the number that’s sent it but it does take me to an EE website 

Messages randomly not received

Hello, I’m having messages randomly not received - both from me and to me, Android, iMessage and sms. I have an iPhone12Tried all the usual things, eg disable iMessage, restart, but several users have shown me screenshots of these occasional, seeming...

Sorry, but Roaming fees, again !

So I'm in the last week of my 3 week stay in Portugal. I get a warning that Im close to my spend cap of £50. Only now I'm realising that i will have paid £48 for the facility to use my phone abroard....but...I have not sent any texts, I've made no ph...

No1SteveB by Investigator
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