Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Ive paid an additional charge for to use data roaming on the other phone in my contract but says on the other phone emergency calls only and cant use wifi etc ,
I have a issue with sms not being sent and my phone seem like it is not working correctly
Hi. I am needing to phone an 0370 number from my mobile. Does anyone know if there will be a charge related to this please?
Be very careful. Signal checkers are a crock of **bleep**e.
My phone has been stolen, however the the theif has my passphrase to unlock the device and is using WiFi. Can I change the PIN/Passphrase remotely?
Why do I get a message saying that a number in Ireland is blocked from my phone. I phone these numbers last week when I was in Ireland
I am currently with another provider and wanted to move to EE. What’s the best option if moving to Canada for several months but then returning to the UK?
I have a new phone and new contract, but I can only seem to be able to make calls using mobile data. What’s happened to my regular phone line?