Broadband & Landline

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Forum Posts

Need Help with Your Home Broadband Speed or Connection?

To effectively help you with any Broadband speed or connection issues we would need to see some hard data about your line after carrying out a few short tests for starters, which will enable us to diagnose the problem and advise you further.   Using ...

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XRaySpeX by EE Community Star
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Changing Your WiFi Password on a Smart Hub

You may have seen in the News that some ISPs have had a security breach whereby their users' routers WiFi passwords have been hacked. You might want to change the WiFi password of your EE Smart Hub router in case a similar attack is made against EE's...

XRaySpeX by EE Community Star
  • 11 replies
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Change from 2.4 to 5ghz

Hi I’ve bought a camera and it can’t access the internet. I can’t get into the settings to change it from 2.4 to 5ghz if someone can help me out please  

Resolved! Overhead Cable Issue

Our full fibre broadband comes to our house via a telegraph pole and overhead wire.  This wire is hanging low, and I believe needs adjusting.If I call the contact number a line check is done and I'm dumped.  If I respond to the auto-generated text as...

Preserving settings over Smart Hub Plus replacement

Hi,I have a Smart Hub Plus on the way to replace one I've already got (attempting to fix a digital phone problem).How do I preserve the settings from one Hub to the other, both in terms of the WAN, LAN and Wi-Fi set up (including the extender disks) ...

rm113 by Contributor
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Resolved! call charges

Calls to 0330 123 1150 are free, so why have I been charged for a 16 second call?

David_TOF by Investigator
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Misleading advertising

We're with BT at the ripoff price of £50 per month. EE advertise clearly on TV, and on their website, you can switch, they'll pay the termination up tp £300, at £25.99.I signed up, only to find they send us back to BT and offer a 2 year contract stil...

Smart Hub 2 - USB Networking

Hi,I've been reading that the USB port at the back of the EE Smart Hub 2 router cannot be used to connect a USB Flash drive to the network.  At least, there is no discovery of a USB stick on the Manager Hub/App. So, I'm led to believe it is only ther...

MBRE_01 by Investigator
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Resolved! Broadband customer

Hi i am an EE broadband customer from October and I am looking to get a vr headset can this he added to my broadband account?

Nic127 by Visitor
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