Charges for listening to voicemail
If i have received a voicemail message from an International number, if i wanted to listen to that message, will i be charged local rate or more?
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
If i have received a voicemail message from an International number, if i wanted to listen to that message, will i be charged local rate or more?
For over a week my phone has been receiving Google Messenger verification codes via text, and now, YouTube codes. Clearly a scammer is attempting access. I have not responded "stop" or anything to avoid tipping them off that they have a "live" number...
how can i speak to ee on the phone without an ee number?
just answered 4 questions via text from an insurance company, the number was 60243, will i be charged for this - i have unlimited textsthanks
Today when any EE contacts or numbers ring me they are told my number is unavailable or unobtainable other network numbers can ring me no problems. Tried Tesco mobile, vodaphone, O2 and they all ring even though they are not stored in my contacts st...
What does it mean when you ring someone’s phone and it beeps and says this persons phone is unavailable please try again later or send a text
"Calls to 0330 numbers are included in your inclusive minutes." Does that mean they are free if you have an unlimited call plan?
Getting lots of dangerous Scam Calls using the EE prefix 07960. As my number begins with 07960, my calls to others may get blocked. Is anyone doing anything about this?
I'm trying to send a message to a short code number (83070 - it's a competition line) but it doesn't send - any ideas what might be the cause? I am aware there is a charge to send to these numbers (, but I have sent to this number before without issu...