
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Ok I'm finally done with having my time burgled with this issue and I am sick of going round in circles. 

For about 18 months I have suffered with 5G not being fit for purpose, being hampered, delayed, ignored, research, troubleshooting, and frankly blinded with words and baffled with bs. I have tried everything, paid for better service, ordered and downloaded new Sims, followed instructions, changed devices, spent hours talking to support. Pixel doesn't have the option to ignore 5G and my patience has finally depleted. Why am I paying for a service that's not fit for purpose?? It's cost me in charges, delays and put my safety at risk. When will I be heard and compensated. I pay EE £150 a month! Give me the service I deserve!!

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I live in Birmingham also, and i've not had any of the issues you've had #justsaying


However, if you have a record of troubleshooting with them, and the problem is still prevalent, then under ofcom rules you're allowed to be released from your contract to go to another provider.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


 wow I'm shocked... Funny as hell that all of a sudden its working... Now let's see if I can get my other devices working too, upsets me that they could of fixed this all along. 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I just want to be heard, and not treated like a dummy... Seems iv had to spit my dummy out and stamp my feet to get results. I know that lots of people are fine with EE and for the best part iv enjoyed many years of good service. I just wanted it fixed.. hassle free. Not spending hours and hours saying and doing the same things. Get my money worth. And be able to hold EE to their obligations with out it feeling like a fight 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Drop me a DM if you're still having issues- not sure how I may be able to help, but if I can suggest anything I will 🙂

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Ty as you can tell Im upset lol

@tangkhg wrote:

Drop me a DM if you're still having issues- not sure how I may be able to help, but if I can suggest anything I will 🙂

Keeping suggestions on the public boards mean everyone benefits, rather than just individual users.

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @Vio_9699 

I am sorry you have had problems with the 5G service and have spent time trying to get this resolved. 

Could you monitor how you get on and let us know if you have any further problems?

You can raise a complaint on our Make a Complaint page if you would like this looked into in more detail. 


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Absolutely... Iv been at the subject too long. I'm sure there's an easy fix that could be shared and help many

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


  • 1000013456.png

 here again full signal having to restart to get service 

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Valued Contributor
