11-09-2024 11:06 AM
Ok I'm finally done with having my time burgled with this issue and I am sick of going round in circles.
For about 18 months I have suffered with 5G not being fit for purpose, being hampered, delayed, ignored, research, troubleshooting, and frankly blinded with words and baffled with bs. I have tried everything, paid for better service, ordered and downloaded new Sims, followed instructions, changed devices, spent hours talking to support. Pixel doesn't have the option to ignore 5G and my patience has finally depleted. Why am I paying for a service that's not fit for purpose?? It's cost me in charges, delays and put my safety at risk. When will I be heard and compensated. I pay EE £150 a month! Give me the service I deserve!!
11-09-2024 11:33 AM
I feel your pain, I'm almost certain that EE are well aware that 1000s of it's customers are suffering the same and admission would hurt them massively. Kinda reminds me of the bible
11-09-2024 11:40 AM
@Vio_9699 , it all depends where you live as to whether you will get 5G, but 4G is still very good and 5G is still new and not available everywhere, you are not being charged more for having 5G, it is the same as having 4G, I go to arrears where there is only 4G available and there is no problem. It only works for data if available, not for voice calls, by the way, you will not get any compensation as the price is the same. Not sure why it has put your safety at risk, as 4G works fine, and it also depends whether you can get 5G and where you are.
By the way this is not customer service but a public forum, so do not know who you are or where you are and there is no account access.
11-09-2024 11:48 AM
This is incorrect... Iv tested the hell out of this.. 5G dose not work in most places. I know instantly when iv connected, my phone freezes, music stops, maps freeze and my blood boils as I have to stop whatever I'm doing to restart my device.... This happens everywhere, the last chance I gave EE and the spill they force fed me for months evaporated when I upgraded to my pixel 9 pro XL. Exact same issue. Last straw
11-09-2024 11:50 AM
And I'm just adding to the noise and discontent of everyone who's suffering.. cs can't do anything so let people see how rubbish they are
11-09-2024 11:51 AM
@Vio_9699 wrote:
my phone freezes, music stops, maps freeze and my blood boils as I have to stop whatever I'm doing to restart my device.... This happens everywhere
You're describing a faulty device here.
11-09-2024 11:52 AM
What both my pixel 7 pro and my brand new pixel 9 pro?
11-09-2024 11:54 AM
It's when ever I connect to 5G been happening for months.. EE have trouble shooting it several times.
With zero results and accepting zero responsibility
11-09-2024 11:58 AM
I live in Birmingham and I travel lots... Iv paid for uncapped speeds and the best service. Changed Sims, phones, and explored all fix's and tutorials. EVERY TIME I CONNECT TO 5G MY PHONE STOPS WORKING!
11-09-2024 12:07 PM
Why not?