
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Ok I'm finally done with having my time burgled with this issue and I am sick of going round in circles. 

For about 18 months I have suffered with 5G not being fit for purpose, being hampered, delayed, ignored, research, troubleshooting, and frankly blinded with words and baffled with bs. I have tried everything, paid for better service, ordered and downloaded new Sims, followed instructions, changed devices, spent hours talking to support. Pixel doesn't have the option to ignore 5G and my patience has finally depleted. Why am I paying for a service that's not fit for purpose?? It's cost me in charges, delays and put my safety at risk. When will I be heard and compensated. I pay EE £150 a month! Give me the service I deserve!!

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Valued Contributor



 this is more proof of the unreliable 5g service EE provide to its customers. 2 screenshots moment's apart 1 of 5g the next 4g 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

There is zero point in me wasting my time with EE and why is this marked as solved

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Please see my topic and explain... I'm having trouble navigating the forum 

@Vio_9699 wrote:

why is this marked as solved

This is because you've marked one of the earlier posts in this thread as the solution to the query you've posted. Only the original poster (known as the OP) has this ability, alongside the site admins - it's one of the options in the drop-down list on the top-right of each & every post.

The solution has now been removed for you.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Vio_9699 

Thanks for coming back to us, I am sorry you are still experiencing service problems. 

Did you raise a complaint using the form provided for the team to get this looked into and get back to you? 


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I'm positive this is not an issue with my handset or settings... It is what it is. what I would like now is admission and compensation. Any company selling a product has a legal obligation to ensure that the service they're providing is fit for purpose. For instance, if I bought a brand new car and it kept breaking down, the dealership wouldn't be asking me to go under the bonnet with my tools, they would come and collect the car and they would compensate me for my troubles. Not deny that there is an issue, and waste more of my time sending me your rounding circles. I work long hours and I'm very busy 24-7 and I pay good money for peace of mind service that I'm not receiving. I have lived with the issue and adapted to it, but I shouldn't have to pay for it. Also EE can't advertise the speeds and boast the reliability. As it's false advertising. 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I have done many times, this is not a productive use of time, they say the service is working perfectly and no compensation is available 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Vio_9699 

I am very sorry we have no account access on the community to help you with any refund for the service issues you have been experiencing. 

To discuss your options, please get back in touch with our tech guides on 150. 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Vio_9699  You say it’s on both devices you have and by any chance did you setup one device from the information on other one or did you set it up as new ?   If it’s setup from a back up from one device to a different device then yes you could have an issue on 2 devices as there could be something on one that you’ve transferred to the other one.      Just to add I have no issue with 5G and I get to go a few hundred miles from where I am for work purposes and I don’t encounter 5G issues and I use my phone as a sat nav.  5G is fit for purpose.      

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

My old phone has been frs and my partner is using with a SIM that's added to my account. And the phone is experiencing the same issue. To answer your question yes I transfer my data over as I'm sure everyone does. This is not an isolated issue unique to myself and my partner. There many people in my area who experience the same issue. Why is it everyone dismisses this as a user error? It's like this subject is teflon coated. I can provide the proof and have done. This has been going on for a long time. All around Birmingham the 5g drop's completely. And if it was something to do with my device, or software surly the 5g wouldn't work anywhere ANYTIME but I can provide more ss to show you guys.