website is so bad


Trying to navigate my way around the ee website is proving to be utterly irritating.  Some pages I go to aren't working at the moment.  I've cleared cookies as suggested and still it continues.  I really do wish ee would improve the website.  It's always been rubbish.

Skilled Contributor
Skilled Contributor

On different browser s & on the app it just says 'cannot show this information try later'.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Patt1 

I have replied to your private message. 



The website and app are just generally TERRIBLE!

I tried different browsers etc and the mobile app. All have varying things wrong with them. The UI flow is awful, my path through the site is disrupted or obfusticated at numerous points. This is nothing to do with browsers or the user, the site design and UI / UX is possably the worst I have encountered for quite some time.

Why is it so hard to find a page to order a data SIM card?

Why do I have to trawl through multiple pages trying to get the SIM sent to me?

Why am I asked to log in again on the checkout name / address page, even if I was already logged in?

Why does the 'have an account, log in here' link not work on that page?

Why do I have to sign up to a direct debit just to ORDER a SIM? I do not want to set up a DD ever!

Why is the app so broken that when I try and check out, it only says "Your Basket.... 1 Item" and the rest of the page is blank... no 'next' button, no info on what is in my basket, NOTHING! A black page.

Why if I try and shop on the app for a SIM, it only shows me ONE option under the '24 Months' section, and nothing under the other sections?

Why when I log in on a check out page, am I dumped back to the home page?

I could likely go on and on. Wow!