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Forum Posts

Show us your festive pets!

It's been a strange year for everyone this year and I've been really glad to have my little furry friend through it all.    I'd love to see everyone's little companions!    It doesn't have to be a festive picture, the more the merrier.    Here is Odi...

Sorcha by Former EE Community Manager
  • 9 replies
  • 15 Helpful

Food Glorious Food!

Hi Everyone.   I’m not going to, lie I adore looking at food pictures and reading peoples recipe's and trying to recreate these at home.   I’ve just got a slow cooker (yes, I am way behind the times) but I love it and I’m starting to try new things k...

Leanne_T by EE Community Support Team
  • 51 replies
  • 65 Helpful

Re: Cant topup or call 150

I use my phone it has been only a couple of days I cannot receive any calls I have tried evrything 

Zain14 by Investigator
  • 13 replies
  • 4 Helpful

Resolved! Upgrade

Hi so I’ve upgraded from sim only to pay monthly going from iPhone XS to iPhone 13 pro It’s arrived today with new SIM card, can I not just use my old one and keep my number ? 

Matt2187 by Visitor
  • 1 replies
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Waiting since 9th December for my repair!

Hey all. I know this is a long shot as it is location specific, but I took my iPhone in for repair on the 9th of December at the shop in Torquay and still have t had it back yet. I speak to one team who say the shop are at fault and the shop say the ...

Hizzo791 by Visitor
  • 1 replies
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Resolved! Samung watch

Want to produce a E-sim for my watch for 4G content 


Hi I placed an order over a week ago for a new SIM package. Had a confirmation email about my order but nothing about delivery. I tried using the order number and contact number but it's not working

iPhone home button

Hi my iPhone home button has started to make a clicking noise whenever I press it.? Why is it doing this?

Connecting 4GEE Mini Mobile Wifi to TP LINK Wifi Extender

I have recently purchased a Mini 4GEE Mobile Wifi from EE and was wondering if it is compatible with my plug in TP-Link Wifi Extender. If so, how do you connect the two together as from what i can see the Mini 4GEE Mobile Wifi doesn't seem to have a ...

Ben231 by Explorer
  • 7 replies
  • 0 Helpful

Signal keeps dropping

My signal keeps continuously dropping and goes from 5g to 3G even if I have full bar of signal and then keeps not working when I try to send any messages over data. It’s been happening for about 2 weeks