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Forum Posts

Show us your festive pets!

It's been a strange year for everyone this year and I've been really glad to have my little furry friend through it all.    I'd love to see everyone's little companions!    It doesn't have to be a festive picture, the more the merrier.    Here is Odi...

Sorcha by Former EE Community Manager
  • 9 replies
  • 15 Helpful

Food Glorious Food!

Hi Everyone.   I’m not going to, lie I adore looking at food pictures and reading peoples recipe's and trying to recreate these at home.   I’ve just got a slow cooker (yes, I am way behind the times) but I love it and I’m starting to try new things k...

Leanne_T by EE Community Support Team
  • 51 replies
  • 65 Helpful

my new card doesn’t work

bouth a sim card today from stansted airport in whsmith for £25 which supposed to give me unlimited mins and texts , 12gb data but i didn’t get anything and can’t even make phone call , text or use internet. how can a get it working ? 

eirimas by Investigator
  • 11 replies
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PAC code on Pay as you go Sim

Hi, I have this EE pay you go sim with zero balance. Its active, all other commands to 150 work well. Well now I'm trying to get a PAC code via texting PAC to 65075 but there is no response from EE (trying now 3rd day). Am I doing something wrong ? I...

All my photographs and videos

On 23rd October I visited EE in Princes Street Edinburgh.  All my photographs and videos were in the gallery on my phone but asked the assistant if she could transfer them on to the sd card which would allow me to put the photos on my home computer f...

When will I get my iPhone 12 Pro?

Ordered on 25-10-2020, said that it would be dispatched within 7 days and I haven't heard anything. Paid the early upgrade fee and haven't received anything back regarding that my order has been confirmed. Can't even open a webchat with EE.

MrAlabert by Contributor
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Resolved! Sim swap not working,

Sim swap not working, sim in old 'phone has been deactivated but no service on new phone. It has been 2 days, help!!! New 'phone Redmi8

Valiow by Contributor
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Sim card has Old number after a number port in

I bought a new phone with a new number, But after 2 months i ported in my old number from a different network. My phone shows the old number after i ported in. This is number that was programmed in the SIM card, How can i change this number.

Nasim by Visitor
  • 2 replies
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Trade in but no new phone

I’ve ordered the new iPhone 12 Pro and it’s dispatch day is 21 days. I have been given a trade in package which needs to arrive back by the 14th November. If my new phone doesn’t arrive prior to me sending my phone off I will be without a handset for...