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14-01-2021 10:27 AM
Hi there
Having problems with my phone. This problem began occurring in the last week or so. My phone is a Samsung galaxy s20 plus 5g. I would receive 4g data for internet browsing for random time frames 10 mins - 30 mins then it would disappear and network would go to emergency calls only. Sometimes it restores when I reset the phone or it randomly restores. resetting phone only works 1 in every 4 attempts. Solutions I have attempted include ordering and replacing and activating a new sim card into my phone, resetting network settings, changing data cap cycles although I have unlimited data so this wasn't set anyway and coverage checkers. I have tried setting it to 4g only as well all though it that wouldn't solve it as paying for a 5g contract
My phone often connects to 5g signal on my phone even though I'm in a non 5g area. It would either connect to a 5g say its connected but nothing works or it'll display emergency calls only
Any help or solutions would be greatly appreciated
14-01-2021 10:51 AM
Hi @12344333
There could be a few possible reasons for this. Firstly if a reset/restart of your phone resolves issues, that would tend to suggest there is a software issue somewhere - that's being resolved by that reset.
It sounds like you might be on the edge of a 5G coverage area, and this is causing further issues for your phone swapping between different network layers - it should prefer a weak 5G signal over a strong 4G one, providing the criteria for signal quality are being met. That's not an exact science!
As a first-line check, is there anything reported on the status checker for your area, under "I have a problem"? Covid-restrictions not withstanding, do you have similar issues with your phone needing resetting, when you have a solid, strong signal?
14-01-2021 11:05 AM
Thank you for replying.
I have manually selected netwprk to maximum 4g which bas temporaily restored network but strange it was previously set to 5g maximum and was fine until a few weeks ago. Could possibly be ln the edge of a 5g area but if it has a weak 5g it should set back to 4g not just disappear alltogether. Will see how long it holds on 4g for if it disappears again
14-01-2021 11:32 AM
Since my last post the network disappeared for 15 minutes after 5 mins of use and returned again
14-01-2021 12:05 PM
Hi @12344333,
Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂
Did the coverage checker show any problems in your area?
14-01-2021 12:20 PM
Hi there
No issues when i last checked from the gu22 woking area
14-01-2021 12:36 PM
Thanks for checking @12344333
Please tap the 'report a problem' button so our network team can look into this issue for you.
Let us know if you receive any updates.
14-01-2021 12:46 PM
Are you having this problem in multiple locations?
If you are, it would generally tend towards your phone being an issue. Either that, or you're being very unfortunate and suffering from multiple network issues in different locations - the more areas affected, the less likely this is.
14-01-2021 01:26 PM
yes happens in multiple locations. I will try sim card in another phone and see what results I get this evening