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Discovery plus dropping sound after ads


There is no sound when whatever show we're watching comes back after the adverts. Any ideas why? Thanks 


Okay. Have tried the Discovery+ app via Apple TV box as well. That works fine with no dropouts of sound after adverts. 

Hello, I also have this issue and have to stop watching the program after the adverts to make the sound kick in again. This is through the main EE box. This issue is only from the discovery plus. 

EE Community Support Team

Good morning @JayJay521, thanks for taking the time to flag this. 

Are you just using your TVs internal speakers when testing this? 

Have you checked in your box's settings to make sure this is fully up to date too?


Yes. Its only the discovery plus that I have this issue with since using EE

I have the same issue and am just using the TV speakers and the box is up-to-date 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I have the same problem when watching sports in UHD. HD streams are fine.

I'm using an ATV and a Sonos Ray, with the sound bar connected to the TV via an optical cable.

If I exit out of the stream when it happens and try again it usually fixes the issue, it's just annoying as it's after each ad break now.


I'm seeing this issue, too. It's not often in the first at break... Definitely happens on the 3rd break and sometimes on the second. Rewinding to before the as break or coming out off three programme and resuming works.
I have an AV Receiver/sound system, but this is not the issue. It's only the Discovery+ app.

Me too

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Exactly the same problem with Discovery +

After the 2nd and 3rd ad breaks, no sound, have to stop the stream then ‘resume’ in order to get sound back

Pro Box. TV speakers only. Picture streams fine

I have same issue after ads on Discovery app - very annoying