Re: What the no to listen to your voice messages
Any reason why I keep getting voicemail alerts on that number but when I go to voicemail it says I have no messages?
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Any reason why I keep getting voicemail alerts on that number but when I go to voicemail it says I have no messages?
Ok On recent trips to Middle East countries I received texts from EE saying I could get certain amount of data for about £5-6 a day just by replying to textThere was always a problem with replying - continual problemswhen I tried a different method o...
I have paid to make 60 mins of calls from Egypt to the UK. Everytime I call the call immediately fails. Can anyone help ?
i have the same issue. i can't call UK number as i would be paying for roaming. Why isn't there a webchat facility or whatsapp contact number? If I'm paying for DATA surely i should be reciving it on my account no matter where I am in the world. I ca...
EE have used my daughters number they should have used mine hence I cannot use the 500 minutes I purchased to use in south Africa
Hi. I'm going on a 4 day trip to Belgium, France, Switz and Germany. Will I need to go to EE roaming and change every time I cross the borders?
Hi Team, I'm travelling to Singapore and I would like to call from there to the UK number as well get the calls from the UK numbers. In this case could you please suggest me which add on/service I need to choose . Please confirm. Thanks.
Hi, I cannot receive any text in Japan of my PAYG ee and send a text is fine. Can someone advise me to fix this issue?Leo
Sorry to jump on an old thread. Jan 23 I was in Canada with roaming pack and everything worked fine. Im back now with same pack and it does not work. I get connect for couple seconds then nothing. Have to reboot phone for another couple of seconds of...
I'm in new york and I have no network coverage. I can't use my phone. How do I fix this