Can't turn voicemail off
Why can't vm turn offJust getting messages can't deal with request at moment
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Why can't vm turn offJust getting messages can't deal with request at moment
Hi there,I went to Poland for a holiday and it is looks like EE change the rules regarding roaming.Since I landed I have received a message from EE that I need to buy a pack to get an access to my free data and minutes.I have bought this pack for 10 ...
I have a very specific issue that Two Factor Authentication Texts from Barclaycard are not being received. All other texts and one other credit card works and receive TFA text meassages. Told to contact EE, 3 messages sent at 12:50 from Barclycard an...
How can I set up voicemail without calling
Hi,I'm currently in Greece and have a PAYG mobile with an active pass and enough credit to cover the 7 day roaming charge of £10. When I send ROAMEU7D to 150 I get a message back about data charges and this is not added to my pack. Frustratingly ther...
Morning all,Ok, so I've moved from a monthly pay sim to 30 day sim only package.Since then I've had no access to my voicemail to point callers don't even get a greeting.I used to have Visual Voicemail on the pay monthly but I didn't think non monthly...
Hello I would like to add a data roaming pass to my child’s phone. His phone is on this account with a different number to my own. I would like the roaming pass for 1 week how do I do this? thank you
Can I use my phone abroad without buying a roaming pass , can I just connect to the hotel wifi ?
Hello! I'm currently in Shenzen, CHINA. Before leaving i called EE and informed them of my trip and added a "world passport" that would give me unlimited calls, text messages and 1gb of data per day. Before travelling to China, i was in Dubai UAE for...