Resolved! Receiving a call
Will I be charged for receiving a call from UK whilst in Spain?Ta
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Will I be charged for receiving a call from UK whilst in Spain?Ta
I have tried all of the things to turn on my voicemail. I can get into it myself to set up the message but when people call they cannot leave a message. I have followed the guide on the site, texted VM ON to 150 and get the message "sorry we are havi...
Can I use my pay as you go pack in norway like in other EU countries like I do in other EU countries, in otherwords its as if I'm in the UK
Does any kind person have any advice - my phone keep accidentally phoning the emergency number. I've caught it a few times but it's phoned through twice now. It's when the phone is in my pocket and I'm walking. Never happened before, ever, now I catc...
Is it possible to play a recorded message to callers on voicemail but stop them being able to leave a message. Or is it just either a personalised with voicemail on or the standard EE with voicemail off?
I activated roaming on my iPhone and paid both an add-on and topped-up credit.Yet still I don't have any internet whenever I step out of my hotel. A trip I had last week was the same. I still have 28.9GB remaining from my 15£ pack. Yes, I did turn my...
hi, had a situation at the weekend of trying to call car hire roadside assistance number 0033 0800xxxxxx from UK mobile but the call would not connect. Could ring UK numbers & other french numbers, therefore not signal problem. Was told by a french p...
Hi ee I was wondering if it was free for me to call back to England if I am in Europe
HiI am abroad, czech republic, connected over 4G and I am having issues with speed. Results on speed tests are showing it is limited to 0.3mbps which is absolutely unusable for any work. Barely managing sending simple messages.especially for £80pm I ...