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Re: User busy problem


I have been trying to resolve the issues relating  to my phone not ringing when someone calls.  One minute I can receive a call 5 mins latter it doesn’t ring or goes straight to answer phone message.I’ve tried a new phone, new sim card, reset network settings and every other time wasting process that leads nowhere. I can hear you can you hear me etc… etc the fact is the EE network clearly can’t handle the volume of traffic at peak times of the day but nobody is honest enough to just admit it. Using Whatsapp seems to be much more reliable now if you can access a network. Almost every month I get a message from EE saying there is service problem that is taking longer than expected to fix. What’s needed is some honesty from EE and tell customers the real problem rather than making their customers waste time jumping through hoops.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Is your phone using VoLTE/4G-calling when you have issues?

@AlanBayley wrote:

the fact is the EE network clearly can’t handle the volume of traffic at peak times of the day

There is certainly no national congestion issue, there may be some localised hotspots but there's plenty of headroom for voice traffic within EE's 4G carriers - data will slowdown long before voice calls should fail.

It’s hard to know if it’s Volte/4g if the phone doesn’t ring. It could go through WiFi calling if necessary but that is pretty flakey to. Volte/4G is automatically selected on iphones and 5G is quite good where I live but not used for voice calls as I understand it. Maybe I live in a hotspot or my local cell at OX331NZ is plagued with reliability issues that don’t occur in other areas. I don’t know.
Whatever the root cause is I have exhausted all the options at my end and don’t really don’t want to go through the hassle of changing networks. I keep kidding myself the problem will go away but it doesn’t. I could try turning Volte/4G off ?

Sent from my phone. When I get a text message telling me there are problems in my area it never says what it is so I can’t attribute a problems to fault.

@AlanBayley wrote:
It’s hard to know if it’s Volte/4g if the phone doesn’t ring...Volte/4G is automatically selected on iphones and 5G is quite good where I live but not used for voice calls as I understand it.

Do you use Apple or Android?

Android phones have an onscreen indication when VoLTE is active, Apple phones have a menu option which you can check for on/off. 5G in native NSA mode relies on 4G for voice, and this is one of several reasons why 5G coverage should rarely exceed that of 4G - which is considered the base coverage layer.

WiFi-calling is fundamentally an extremely reliable service but is only as good as your wireless broadband, and depending whether you are using mobile-preferred/WiFi-preferred, the radio priorities may give a skewed view of problems.

Disabling VoLTE will force all your calls over 2G now, at reduced quality.

The one good thing about EE is the reliability of my Wi Fi connection which is probably why I have stuck with EE. Anyhow it looks like I’m stuck with the problem.
Sent from my phone
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

It may well help investigations if you can confirm whether VoLTE is active or not. Much depends whether you are happy to accept the issue.

I can confirm VoLTE is active. Thanks
EE Community Support Team

Hi @AlanBayley 

Thanks for coming to the community.

To get this looked into in more detail, please call us on 150 and our tech guides will be happy to help. 


Not sure what this means, "there may be some localised hotspots" Does this mean there could be times that my phone won't ring ? because that is my complaint.


I did this but I was asked to keep a log of my location and times when the phone doesn't ring.??  Obviously I don't know when the phone doesn't ring plus when driving it's not really practical to log where you are and when "I can hear you, can you hear me" nonsense starts.

In my opinion the main problem is at my postcode OX331NZ  because I get numerous "There is a problem near MY Place" notifications and then "it's taking longer than expected  to resolve" The last one took over two weeks and never does it say what the actual problem is, so there is no way of connecting it with the problem you are experiencing.

There will be an engineer who could explain the problem I am sure but they are in possession of "commercial sensitive" information.