Unable to make calls
I have an IPhone13 on EE and I have to use WhatsApp to make calls. going through the network or wifi calling is just unusable Joke
Discussion about mobile networks
I have an IPhone13 on EE and I have to use WhatsApp to make calls. going through the network or wifi calling is just unusable Joke
I am not very savvy with the phone but trying to learn ! Currently where I live, there is no 5 G coverage inside my house and limited coverage in the garden. My "plan" says I am on a 5G 10GB monthly contract.. When I check the coverage map, it show...
Not had mobile service for most of the day in Wesham (PR4) and no updates from EE?
My experience since switching from 02 is that the 4g service from EE in many uk locations has been extremely disappointing. Not at all what I was expecting when I signed up. I would go back to 02 tomorrow for a vastly superior service.
Hi I'm wondering if anyone can advise. Our mobile signal at home is terrible, rarely getting to one bar. We have had customer support assistance with this regarding our bill, but it would be more important for our phones to work as intended and paid ...
Been like this much of July now!
Having massive issues with 2 devices on my plan, both have terrible signal all the time. Regardless of where each person is, signal is either just okay, or non existent. Ee are saying no issues in our home area, but the issues is not just limited to...
Afternoon allI'm looking for a 4G signal booster for my house. The local mast coverage seems to have my house in a bit of a dead spot. All networks are the same 1 bar at most that frequently comes and goes. EE has been the most reliable however Ill o...
just silly now always had bad coverige have to go outside to recive calls and make them only messinger works never fix it i think you should supply outside antennes if they work looking at that they are very expensive we pay enough so no go there con...