13-09-2024 04:58 PM
In a recent ee/bt online chat which the ee operator was obviously tired of, I was referred to Expert Squad to solve issues I had with wifi. I was not made aware of the fact that Expert Squad are not part of ee/BT, I thought perhaps a department of tech experts within ee/BT but there would be a one off, refundable payment of £1 due for the service. Eventually the Expert Squad operator made it clear that they were not ee or BT and I terminated the chat.
I now discover to my suprise that I have subscribed to an Expert Squad plan for a monthly payment of £24! In applying to them for a refund I have been offered a £12 refund of the £48 I have paid with no opportunity to appeal.
I am obviously not happy with ee/BT for referring me in such a manner, nor am i happy with the way Expert Squad has dealt with my situation.
Has anyone had any similar experiences?
14-09-2024 02:36 PM
Good afternoon @Id-y-ffid.
Thanks for taking the time to highlight your experience here.
I'm not familiar with the 'Expert Squad' that you're referring to here, so this is definitely something I'd like to get investigated for you further.
I'm going to send you over a private message so we can get a few more details and ensure this is fed back.
03-10-2024 01:38 PM
Hi , yes i have recently .
We bought a ee mobile wifi for when qe go away.
When we came to top it up , it took my £30.00 but didnt allow us to access wifi. After going to an ee shop for support we were told by the shop that ee wants us to sign up to a monthly plan .
I contacted ee via chat line and they transferred me to expert squad ( who i also thought would be part of ee)
I didnt ask to be transferred the operator did it and hung up
I was charged £24.00 which i didnt know was going to happen and now they say ive subscribed ( no i didnt ) and they have taken a further £24.00
03-10-2024 01:48 PM
@Kez62 Do you have the link you used to this live chat ? Was this via your EE account ?
03-10-2024 01:53 PM
Yes chris , i believe it was via EE account
03-10-2024 02:04 PM
@Kez62 The problem I see here is that live chat isn’t available to PAYG customers and live chat is only accessible via the EE app.
06-10-2024 09:55 AM
I don't think so. As in my experience, Kez62 has been transeferred to Expert Squad by ee without being told that they are an external agency, and that they will extract £24 pcm for a service Kes62 didn't ask for and don't need.
If you take a peep at online reviews of Expert Squad, you will see that this is not uncommon.
06-10-2024 10:39 AM - edited 06-10-2024 10:41 AM
@Id-y-ffid You don’t think so, I know that live chat isn’t available to PAYG customers and you can argue that as much as you like.
Seeing as yourself and @Kez62 are the only 2 to have ever mentioned this on here and I’ve never heard of them Even when you do a google search this is the only thread that comes up. Im going to ask are you 100% certain the live chat you had was with EE before you got transferred to Expert Squad because I see this when I search Expert Squad
and this isn’t EE it’s Expert Squad and they have nothing to do with EE.
06-10-2024 11:45 AM
No I DON'T think so 😂 as this is not my experience. You are obviously very knowlegable and feel very strongly on the matter, however you do assume some things. I am not an ee payg customer, and it was definately an ee operator who referred me.
Look at Expert Squad reviews on Trustpilot they have a 26% 1* rating, many of the negative reviews refer to similar experiences as the above. My beef with ee is that they refer customers to a company who many have serious issues with.
This matter is being looked into by the ee community support team, who seem to take it seriously, even if you dismiss it out of hand.
06-10-2024 12:03 PM
There are a lot of scam ‘companies’ taking out seemingly legitimate adverts making claims. This isn’t the first time I have seen this. I saw it on a YouTube ‘catch the scammer’ video where the ‘company’ takes out adverts that are always at the top of your search results. The adverts will claim (incorrectly) that they are this legit company’s tech support (I think expert squad and geek squad may have been the actual ones), and they then pretend to be EE or whoever and then charge you for the ‘squad’ bit but were never legit at all. Instead working out of Asia in scam call centres. I think if you research it a bit you’ll find this.
It is therefore quite likely you were never speaking to EE but instead to this scam centre claiming to be tech help.
Buyer beware. When searching, never click on sponsored ads in the search results. Always check the URL in your browser is actually the company you think you are speaking to. And I have never had BT or EE or Plusnet or Openresch shove me off to a third party in all the years I have had quite in depth technical discussions with them (being tech people of the BT Group).