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Price increase 2024


EE - I would like to know why you will be increasing prices by a further 3.9% ON TOP OF the 7.9% CPI from April 2024??


I appreciate the sarcasm Chris_B, but no, I still do not see any benefit! 5G
isn't available to me where I live so no benefit there. To be honest, I
don't really need it as I am quite content with the current level of service
and I am happy to pay any price increase in line with inflation to maintain
this. My issue is (excuse the contra-sarcasm), but I think someone missed
the day in business school when the topic was 'How to grow your business by
re-investing some of your profits to attract more customers and make more
profit without penalising your loyal customer base'.

I apologise to the rest of the EE Community who have been subjected to my
rants and views on this topic. Don't worry, I shall not be disturbing you
any more as I know I am not going to make any difference and I have already
wasted everybody's time on this.

I have 7 lines with EE, am porting out 4 shortly to a provider that does not raise prices. With EE and the other big players you get two increases in a 24 month contract. Will move the other 3 away from EE when they are out of commitment. Data gifting is absolutely brilliant but the price isn’t enough to justify staying when unlimited data on a 30 day rolling plan can be had for less than less data  on a 12-24 month plan with EE.

Yeah right! You won't be having your cake and eating it much longer.

Absolute daylight robbery.

@mambomarky  So you not aware of what’s happening next year then to new contracts taken out now.