WiFi controls

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Established Contributor

I appear to have the same problems as others with regards to WiFi controls . 
I came from BT recently and initially had the controls but not anymore and have tried all the usual re install the app turn the router off etc to no avail. The speed is as expected so no problem there,  is there a glitch in the software ?? also is there a fix or update due?. If EE has the fix please update everyone to when this will be available, because all I am reading on this forum is complaints about the controls not being available.

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Established Contributor

Got a call last evening.

All my kit has now been moved to EE.

To get my TV boxes to work correctly I had to do a factory reset on  each one s it would attach to the correct EE "marker".

And because I previously had "Discovery +" on my old BT account I had to "active" it on my EE account first and then go through the sign on on the Discovery app on each TV.

But, I m still faffing around trying to get the Wi-Fi controls set up. I've reset the hub, disconnected and powered off my BT Hub 6 from the EE hub, reinstalled the app etc etc still no joy.

I have the BT Hub 6 hanging off the EE Hub beause my GivEnery inverter and MyEnergi Water heater (EDDI). will not work through the EE router Wi-Fi because it does not support WPA2 mixed mode. Only has WPA2. Also seem to have now found out the Octopus Mini kit (instantaneous meter usage) does not work with the EE hub either.

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Established Contributor


The guys have now checked the firmaware of the EE app on my iPhone and it should be Version 5.35.0 (741118), which it is.

They then checked the firmware of my hub, which they found not to be the correct one. (didn't tell me what the firmaware should be)

Ideally the hub firmware should update itself during set up but, as he put it, it gets stuck.

The difference between the two firmwares they now think is the problem, so they are going to send me a new hub.

Might be an idea to ask the guys to check the firmware, don't assume they have already done it.

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Established Contributor

Interesting that, just having that battle with them now. Stuck in the "Update" loop 😞

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Established Contributor

Just to add that when the new hub arrives they have asked me to set the hub up just using just my iPhone, with nothing else connected physically or via Wi-Fi. Effectively in isolation.

I wonder if there is a particular way these need to be set up to stop the Wi-Fi control problems occurring.

As with all the other hubs I've had I've never been asked, or had to, set up the hub in this way. Normally just connect everything up and off we go.

Mind you I've never had the Wi-Fi controls on an app before and not entirely convinced, especially with all the problems it seems to be causing. Seems to be causing hassle for the customer and more work for the support teams than its worth. 

It will be interseting to see if this way resolves my issue.

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Established Contributor
Agree with you never had to set up a router like that before so there must be some incompatibility between the iPhone and router.If this is the case why not found out when issuing this router surely they tried iOS and android.
I wonder if this not having wifi controls is just restricted to iPhone users but I initially had them only for a couple of days then nothing so android must have this problem.
Also a new router why would a factory reset not work?? Unless they have change the software.
Please let me know how you go on anyway nearly time for my daily routine of uninstall the app reset to factory settings install the app spinning circles ha ha
Sent from my iPhone
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Established Contributor

I still find it odd that it partially works with my new EE ID but not my old and main EE ID.

I have got them both linked together which still doesn't work when using my old and existing EE ID.

Must be the ID's at play here? Im using Android to set things up.


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Anyone know what firmware version the Smart hub should be using

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Stevef1964 : At last count:

App version: 1.13.1

Firmware version: 

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP
Established Contributor
Established Contributor


I have been onto them awaiting call back from off line team - but also being sent a new router to try that.

Whilst faffing about this morning I went into the hub manager and the broadband user name is bthomehub@btbroadband .com  wonder if this should be Ee etc and not bt  but hey ho another thing to ask.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

No, @John-P2 , EE BB creds have now copied BT's.

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP