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EE Smart Hub Plus features not working

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Established Contributor


I have been looking at the features of the EE Smart Hub Plus  and some don't appear to be working in any sensible way.

1) With the BT Smart Hub 2 you could rename devices. On the EE Smart Hub Plus you can't .

2) What I have found as well is that it does not correctly look up the MAC address vender detail.

3) The Technical log does not show much at all; it only seems to show the last incident and that's about it. On the BT Smart Hub 2 you could look back in history. 

4) As I have my own G-Bit mesh network hung off the EE Smart Hub Plus  I DON'T want the WiFi on. I switch it off and somebody / something switches it back on. It looks like something restarted the hub three days ago (it wasn't me ) but IO can't see it in the log because of issue 3 above. That might be why I have wireless switch on yet again. They really need to keep all the parameters  between reloads.

5) "Test my speed" on the EE Smart Hub Plus doesn't seem to go to anywhere sensible.

6) I have EE Smart Hybrid Connect with a very strong signal, during the last week we have had about 18 disconnects on the EE / BT service yet the EE Smart Hub Plus never worked at all. Some of them were two or three minutes long.... Not good for a service that is marketed as " EE’s hybrid broadband will always keep you connected. " - this comes directly from their website EE Smart Hybrid Connect | Hybrid Broadband | EE  If my monitoring equipment can see it why can't EE Smart Hybrid Connect....

Router information-

Firmware version:  r1.34.1-R-1055417-PROD-83002

App version: 1.13.1

Any thoughts from anybody else out there, especially EE ..


John Haynes (Infinidim)

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@infinidim Some answer's.

1. Now has to be done with the mobile app to change/edit name. Not available with the web interface, Not the best but it is what it is.

2. My mac address look ok, so not sure about what you mean for look up.

3. There are pages of info in the technical log, 2 places info/events, and filters. You may wish to re look, cannot compare as never used the previous hub, can export and look at mac to device, not best but can work it out...

4. was probably the FW update, forced restart and has been reported before that wireless gets turned back on, so keep an eye on it, also events get wiped back to zero at that point.

5. does not work as you have found out....

6. you should read the Hybrid connect help info, but sure it's around 5 minutes before kick in, pull your wan connection and time it to see when it works, help info tells you what to expect etc.

You are on the latest FW, mine updated Thursday and got engineer coming on tuesday as reported is to EE so not going to post until i find out what OR have to say...

It can only/may be get better but who knows.... Mobile is not the way to go as far as i am concerned. HTH

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@infinidim Cannot edit for some reason just now, but your point 6 is 2-3 minutes as on the help site, so test when you can...

Established Contributor
Established Contributor


Thanks for this information. 

1) If you have to be directly connected to the WiFi on the hub then this is not a workable solution for me. I have a firewall behind my hub before my own WiFi mesh network so it my be an issue.

2) Part of the Mac is used on many devices to work out the name field. The EE Smart Hub does this wrong and EE front line agree with me. I am talking to BT Research at Adastral Park to try and get this fixed.

More comments later on

John (Infinidim) 

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@infinidim Hybrid, is connected were at present, wireless or lan, i don't have one but sure that it looks at the EE router to decide what is happening. If you get it working let the forum know. Only issue now you say, is my {2} Asus devices appear only as mac address in the EE router, did not really care, and few oops with some TP-Link but just strange naming not as i expected but it is as it was, until you get it all sorted.....  

Established Contributor
Established Contributor


3) Understood what you are saying here. I at least expected it to be better than the BT Smart 2 but it isn't. To me it's retrograde.

4) Agree but it's a problem for my security here having the WiFi back on.

5)  They really need to fix this. I will try and get this put on the list of things to fix but I and not going to hold my breath on this.

6) I had two failures of the broadband tonight, both of about 3 minutes, neither of them caused the Hybrid to activate. If they advertise it as " EE’s hybrid broadband will always keep you connected" then I am going to keep them to it I think. That might be hard but currently they are breaking the Advertising Standards by what they have in their marketing.


John ( Infinidim) 

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@infinidim AX wifi6 protocol does seem to work, network connection slow to connect, and does the Hybrid Connect show any status with the hub manager, or is it just the orange box with no info, another feature i do not use or need.👍

Established Contributor
Established Contributor


My mesh runs 6E and all our mobil devices run the same level of 6.

The light on the front of the hybrid shows it is connected to the EE mobile network. The mast is about 250 meters away so we get the max signal. Also it shows as connected in the hub. 




Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@infinidim Same advice then, you need to drop your wan connection, watch the status of the Hybrid and the Hub, you may also have to look at the Hub Manager and see what is going on. Understand you have turned wi-fi off on the router, but there must be an ethernet connection on the EE router to your system. If it does not kick in then you have a major issue. Help guides do tell you what the EE router led's do when transferred from Broadband to Mobile. If you have some kind of double NAT going on then it may not switch over. 

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Established Contributor



Will try and do that in the next couple of days. 

