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Forum Posts

Show us your festive pets!

It's been a strange year for everyone this year and I've been really glad to have my little furry friend through it all.    I'd love to see everyone's little companions!    It doesn't have to be a festive picture, the more the merrier.    Here is Odi...

Sorcha by Former EE Community Manager
  • 9 replies
  • 15 Helpful

Food Glorious Food!

Hi Everyone.   I’m not going to, lie I adore looking at food pictures and reading peoples recipe's and trying to recreate these at home.   I’ve just got a slow cooker (yes, I am way behind the times) but I love it and I’m starting to try new things k...

Leanne_T by EE Community Support Team
  • 51 replies
  • 65 Helpful

Resolved! Cooling off period

I changed from iphone to Samsung....  I can't get on with it....  can I change to an iPhone does anyone know? 

Where's the 120GB Connected Data SIM?

Apparently, EE have launched a £50 for 1 year SIM with 120GB. Where can I buy this?

Beyoncé by Investigator
  • 3 replies
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PS5 - Latest availability/ ordered.

I Purchased a PS5 on Tuesday, i have the order number which when i track it it says sorry no details. I wonder what the estimated delivery time is... (Anyone else who ordered Tuesday got theirs yet or know how long delivery should be??)

Sharbutt by Visitor
  • 3 replies
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Free boosts gone.

I had a fair few free data boosts and got a message a few minutes ago saying I'd used 80% of my data followed by a message saying data had run out a few seconds later and upon checking on myee it seems none of my data boosts are includedAll of them s...

Selling phone under 6 months

I’m in desperate need of money and I can’t get a loan, but I’m approved for an upgrade i want to sell the new phone but I know there is the clause of 6 months. I’m going to keep paying it for the rest of the contract I don’t care about that. what’s t...

Resolved! £10pack

How do I come out of the £10pack ,and pay when needed 

704 by Visitor
  • 2 replies
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4G Wifi Speed through a VPN

Hi, I have 4G Wifi at my house.  All devices getting up to 40 Meg except my work laptop which goes through a VPN.  Does anyone else on this forum work for or link to the NICS network through EE 4G Wifi? EE saying there is 40 Meg to the house so its a...

Fintan3 by Investigator
  • 8 replies
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no rollover

hi all,, just bought the ee wifi router,,,topped up £15  2 months ago and got 30g of data,,i used 23g and had 7g left end of month .  2nd month i topped up again and got 30g + 7g rollover  . I  didnt use any data 2nd month so on 3rd month when i topp...