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Forum Posts

Show us your festive pets!

It's been a strange year for everyone this year and I've been really glad to have my little furry friend through it all.    I'd love to see everyone's little companions!    It doesn't have to be a festive picture, the more the merrier.    Here is Odi...

Sorcha by Former EE Community Manager
  • 9 replies
  • 15 Helpful

Food Glorious Food!

Hi Everyone.   I’m not going to, lie I adore looking at food pictures and reading peoples recipe's and trying to recreate these at home.   I’ve just got a slow cooker (yes, I am way behind the times) but I love it and I’m starting to try new things k...

Leanne_T by EE Community Support Team
  • 51 replies
  • 65 Helpful

Orded replacement sim

Hi. If I order a replacement sim will my old sim be cancelled straight away or do I have to request for it to be blocked?

Can a blacklisted phone still use home WIFi

Hello, plain and simple like the title suggests can blacklisted phones still use wifi. I recently had my other phone stolen and have black listed it however I’m worried about if they use home wifi with it. Will it make any difference, because I feel ...

Contract about to end

Hi.  My contract is due to end on 10th September. I don't want it to continue as a rolling contract because I'm changing to a new provider. I have already been given a Pac code but have decided not to transfer my number. Will my contract end automati...

cmj1954 by Visitor
  • 4 replies
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Resolved! BG games taking money through EE bill

BG games are taking money from my EE bill.  The email I sent to the customer service email address in my EE account area bounced back.  Any ideas how I cancel these payments I’ve never agreed to?

HMCR by Investigator
  • 23 replies
  • 8 Helpful

Add to plan device on additional line

I know you can add 3 accessories onto your plan at any one time, but I was wondering if that’s 3 for each line you have - or just 3 overall. For example if I have 3 add to plan accessories already on my 1st original plan, can a further 3 accessories ...

danniee48 by Valued Contributor
  • 1 replies
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When to get a 5G enabled iPhone?

I need to upgrade from my iPhone 6S due to declining battery life, but I can't find out when 5G coverage will reach Ripon area. Until there is any clarity on this is there any reason to upgrade? Clive

cwhslh by Investigator
  • 1 replies
  • 1 Helpful

Free 3 mths BT Sports?

Got my phone in May with a free 3 months bt sports pass and the link has disappeared. Where has it gone?

Fateye by Explorer
  • 3 replies
  • 1 Helpful

Unlocking Phone

I have a new Iphone 12 and I want to get that set up from my old XR. Old and new are EE and I want to keep my old number. I jhave been told how to transfer info from my old phone to my new by turning on the new phone next to the Old, once thats compl...

pks1414 by Visitor
  • 2 replies
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cant login to perks

Have registered for perks but can't login as saying account locked. have also reset password but still same issue.need code for new contract ASAP. Please help!!