Intermittent Drop In Internet Connectivity


Hey. Ever since I started with EE, I've been getting intermittent drop in connectivity which only lasts a few minutes. Until now, I had not addressed this because it happens once or twice in a day. Sometimes I can go for more than 24 hours without it happening. Now its happening 3 times in a day, or once a day, everyday. Not something you want if you want to setup a home server at your residence. Any ideas on how to fix this? Can this happen if other devices are on the network? Would buying a new router solve this issue?


I have a standard EE hub router, no landline.

Scholarly Contributor
Scholarly Contributor

As you have opted for the no landline option you cannot do the first basic check for noise on the line which is by far the biggest cause of drop outs. You'll just have to ring CS.