Forum Posts

EE Cyber Security powered by Norton

Going online opens up your whole world. But it can also put your devices and identity at risk. If you want extra peace of mind and to better protect your devices and identity, look no further than EE Cyber Security Powered by Norton™. It's super easy...

Sean_D by Former EE Community Manager
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Annual Identity Check powered by Norton

Your personal information isn’t something you want a cybercriminal to use to commit identity fraud. Our annual online identity check can help you know if your personal info has been found on the dark web. In partnership with Norton™, the annual ident...

Sean_D by Former EE Community Manager
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Hello there just want ask why I can’t watch adults website? 

Akramali by Visitor
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Picking up an item from store

I recently added a Nintendo switch to my account as a Christmas present for my children, I had it delivered to store as thought it would be easier with pick up. When iv gone to collect they hav asked for photo ID, which I don't have apart from a pass...

Becky879 by Visitor
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Annual Identity Check powered by Norton

Your personal information isn’t something you want a cybercriminal to use to commit identity fraud. Our annual online identity check can help you know if your personal info has been found on the dark web. In partnership with Norton™, the annual ident...

Sean_D by Former EE Community Manager
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PAYG Migrations are they a scam or related to EE?

I just got a call from these guys, having mostly ignored them. The chap offered me an upgraded deal for free minutes for 50p more than I was already paying, he went through a fairly in depth credit check but when he asked for my bank details I explai...

Mschwing by Investigator
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Scam call?

Had 'ee' phone me on 01993665032.Didn't divulge any personal details to them, scam call. 

Jimdy by Visitor
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Resolved! Potential scam text

I received a text saying it was from -EE- when I go to click on the number, no number is coming up. It said it was a Christmas giveaway to say Thankyou, had a EE video, it was addressed to me and used my name and then said:To say thank you for being ...

Becca54 by Explorer
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Text scam: Payment/Direct Debit failure message

There are several versions of scam text messages circulating at the moment. We wanted to let you see examples of what these may look like so that you can keep your details safe.    The messages advise that either a payment has failed, a direct debit ...

scam1.png scam 2.png scam 3.png scam 4.png
Sorcha by Former EE Community Manager
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Block texts to competition numbers

Hi there, I have a problem with entering radio competitions, texting entries to an 8212 number. Please can you advise how to restrict access to these numbers? Thanks. 

Nkp123 by Investigator
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Resolved! Is this a scam?

Hi, I'm currently being phone by a Manchester number 0161 520 0037, saying they are EE and I'm being offered a 20% discount for 12 months for being a loyal customer, or a handset upgrade (I've only recently upgraded!). The caller doesn't appear to be...

swardrop by Visitor
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I was called from 01668 509334 today by “EE” and they said I could have a discount on my current bill as I’ve been there for so long. They asked me to confirm my email which I did then the line went dead? Can they do anything with my email address? 

Jgwynne1 by Visitor
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