Community Activity

PAC code

My EE contract recently finished and my partner has a phone on my account as a add-on so they've both ran out and we want to leave EE. I have switched companies and requested a PAC code to witch over. It worked for my number and I have been switched ...

EE TV music channels

Can you get music channels on we tv? When I’ve googled it, it says you can but I can’t work out how. Thanks 

Unable to call customer service or use 150 texts

Just arrived in Switzerland and can't call customer service or use 150 text service, and app and website don't seem fully functional and won't allow me to change spend cap (which may be the problem) I called customer service in the UK just before lea...

No network

Last nite I broke down in my van 80 miles away from home with my 2 year old in a town I wasn't familiar with couldn't make a call book a hotel or get any cash as I had no internet coverage at all couldn't call AA as phone saying no network so me and ...

SIM Question

Hello, I bought an 8GB SIM card plus 500 minutes and unlimited texts. So there's no subscription, no out-of-bundle charges or other fees?

To23 by Contributor
  • 37 replies
  • 1 Helpful

Resolved! VAT receipt for Personal Accounts

Why do EE not show the VAT breakdown on their personal accounts? I charge some of my bills to my business and need a VAT receipt to do that. Why is EE exempt from showing their VAT  details on their bills.... I wish I could do the same? 

Nicolvmax by Investigator
  • 28 replies
  • 26 Helpful

Resolved! Voicemail cuts in early

Any advice to extend the ringing time before voicemail cuts in on iphone 13? Currently cuts in after 20 secs.... ideally want to increase delay to 30 secs....

mjh1234 by Contributor
  • 2 replies
  • 0 Helpful

5G Smart Hub HH20C - Is this unlocked?

Hi there,I'm moving from the 5G Smart Hub HH20C mobile router to a fixed line broadband connection at home (still with EE) and they have said I don't need to return the 5G Smart Hub.I was thinking of using this with another SIM, if possible, so am ju...

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EE Learn Live

This year Learn Live is back on Thursday 20th February at the White Rabbit, Shoreditch. What is Learn Live? Learn Live is an event aimed at 11-14 year old's (with their guardian), and an opportunity ...


Passkeys for your EE ID

This month we’re helping you get super secure with the launch of passkey. Set up passkey from the EE app (or the Profile section on and you’ll be able to use it to log in, instead of remembe...


New locations for 5G standalone

  We’re bringing our 5G standalone network to 16 new locations before the end of the year with more locations to follow. That means EE’s most advanced mobile network will be live in more than 30 major...