Can’t call


On Saturday the whole family changed mobile operators from Three to EE keeping our numbers today I have no signal from my old operator and I put the new EE sim card in but at the moment I can't call anywhere and I don't know if my number has ported to the new one operator

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hi @zdravkomonev,

Have you tried rebooting your device? This should get you up and running.

Once the EE sim has network signal, text NUMBER to 150 to see if the port has completed. It will take 24 hours (excluding weekends) for your number to swap completely.


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EE Community Star
EE Community Star

When you say "on Saturday... we changed", when did you insert your EE SIMs into your new phones?

Yesterday, I put it the new SIM card I got from EE on Saturday but my old
number hadn’t transferred and there was no mobile data that’s why I put
back my old SIM card from Three. However today Three had stopped my data
and calls so I switched back to the EE SIM card hopping it would transfer
my old number and let me make calls as well as get my data but it did not
and now I can’t make any calls or use mobile data.

@zdravkomonev  Your number didn’t start to switch from 3 until today and this takes up to 24 hours.    You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to report any issues you might have as your number still in the migration period.    
Number migrations do not happen or start over the weekend.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
It still hasn’t activated today and because of it I’ve missed important
calls and messages.
EE Community Support Team

Hi @zdravkomonev 

Could you restart your devices this morning please? If the transfer hasn't gone through, I'd recommend speaking to our Mobile Care team so they can check everything from our side for you.