Successful EE order ref: xko


received an email Successful EE order ref: xkoXXXXXXXX.Have i been accepted?

EE Community Support Team

I am sorry to hear you have been directed over to the community @Lori11

There is no account access here so this stops us being able to search for any orders. 

I understand how frustrating this must be, please try call the team again and keep me posted.


is there a chat or online way of checking orders?or somewhere i can cancel my order online?

ive called already,they cannot find  my order. i just dont understand why cancel my orderafter emailing me to congratulate  me and say its processing and will be dispatched soon as well as a tracking number  that DOESNT EVEN WORK

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Lori11

Our live chat team can be found on this page HERE


after  speaking with chat,my order is now being processed and will be delivered by friday.Thankyou for your help Katie 🙂

EE Community Support Team

That's great to hear @Lori11

I am so glad this has been sorted for you. 

Take care, 


im a bit concerned my orders been cancelled again as ive received no further updates and still cant track order p;aced on Sunday. Can someone check please?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Lori11

If our customer care team have confirmed your order has been placed this will be getting processed and an update will be provided once your order is ready for delivery.

Should you wish to check the status of your order but can't do so online please get in touch with our customer care team. 

Katie 🙂

ive been in touch with the team who cannot locate my order getting so frustrated with this!

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Lori11

Did the team provide you with a new order number yesterday?

I am unsure as to why your order can't be found.
