New customer no order update


Placed an order for a pay monthly device two days ago. Got the order confirmation e-mail but I've heard nothing since, despite being told I'd get tracking when it's dispatched. I confirmed with the live chat option that the device was in stock and could be delivered in two days.

When I track the order on EE, it says it is dispatched but there's no information there on a date just a blank box. EE seem impossible to contact, just like Three, Vodafone and O2 unfortunately and I am somewhat regretting using them now, especially considering the 'premium' pricing point and the fact I could've just upgraded at my previous company for less. I got my order confirmation e-mail but I've received nothing since.

I just want to know what's happening and there is no live chat option, I can't get through on the phone and their tracking system isn't the best/doesn't work.

Has this happened to anyone else?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @M2690 

Welcome to the community.

I can understand you'll be keen to get your hands on your new phone.

You would normally get a text or email from DPD, or notification in the DPD app if you have that, when the phone is with them and ready to be delivered.

Let me check the stock though. Which model of phone, including colour and storage size, did you order?



Hi @Michael_D 

We appear to be all good. I have since received my tracking number from DPD.

However what I am now concerned about is this. When I played my order I provided my PAC code for my current number in the box on the order page. I got an e-mail from EE today with a new mobile number.

What does this mean exactly? When I get my phone I want it to be on my current number as provided.

EE Community Support Team

That's fab news you now have your tracking details @M2690 

All new lines are connected with an EE number, and this is so you have current use of the mobile number you're keeping until you get your new equipment from us. This number you see is only temporary, and if you've given us your PAC details already then we will transfer the right mobile number across, so please don't worry at all.

Once you pop the EE SIM into your new phone, this will then start the process. 

You'll receive an update once the number transfer fully completes, your current SIM will deactivate, and the number you're keeping will be attached to your EE SIM. 

I hope this helps

Linzi 😊 



Well as I predicted.


The mobile number has not been transferred. Now you will tell me to call 150, which I will do however as it's now the weekend this means I can't use my phone until Monday at the earliest, more likely Tuesday.


What a bitterly disappointing experience with EE. All you phone networks are the same.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @M2690

Thanks for coming back here. 

Our customer care team will be able to help request your number port, however, you are right that this can't be processed over the weekend by our porting team. 

The SIM will have arrived with a temp number which you can use until your port completes. 
