Internet issue
Hello i'm facing issue in internet service.
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Hello i'm facing issue in internet service.
I want to delete voice mail
Voicemail is set up as standard for EE mobile customers but is it free? Does it work abroad? What is Visual voicemail? Read below for answers; Is my voicemail set up already? Voicemail is set up as default for all EE mobile customers. If yo...
What is RCS messaging? RCS messaging is an alternative messaging service to SMS, MMS and other third-party apps. It offers a modern and feature-rich messaging experience within the native messaging app on the handset. Apple has now enabled RCS mes...
I'm not receiving authentication codes on text message from Amazon and cannot access my Amazon account now on my iPhone. Whatever way I try, Amazon wants me to re-confirm it's me by sending me a text with an authentication code on it. It's fine on la...
Anyone know how to speak to someone at EE if you don't have a phone service, and the apps/help aren't helpful?Long story short, I made the mistake of moving over from EE to Vodafone, and now trying to get back to EE and Vodafone have cut me off (bein...
Hi - Can anyone explain what might be causing texts from other phones to arrive days late. I was sent one on Saturday that didn't arrive until the following Wednesday despite the fact that I spent all day Monday in a very good signal area.TIA
I have received a text from 249 asking to a survey about my sim card delivery.I am not an ee customer or have I ordered a sim.. I have deleted the text but should I take any further action?
I am unable to make a call to support services, but I can use email. I urgently need my phone number for receiving verification codes for various services. Is there a way for the support team to contact me via email and assist me in reactivating my n...
Calls lasted seconds, and totalled £54 approx 10-12 calls. They were made late at night, but I’ve never called it? Tried googling number but nothing comes up. According to bill it’s a USA number. I’ve only just noticed the charges as bill came out o...