Forum Posts

EE Voicemail: All you need to know

Voicemail is set up as standard for EE mobile customers but is it free? Does it work abroad? What is Visual voicemail? Read below for answers;      Is my voicemail set up already?    Voicemail is set up as default for all EE mobile customers.   If yo...

Leanne_T by EE Community Support Team
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EE and RCS messaging

What is RCS messaging? RCS messaging is an alternative messaging service to SMS, MMS and other third-party apps. It offers a modern and feature-rich messaging experience within the native messaging app on the handset. Apple has now enabled RCS mes...

JordanTA by EE Knowledge Specialist
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Late Text arrival

 Hi - Can anyone explain what might be causing texts from other phones to arrive days late. I was sent one on Saturday that didn't arrive until the following Wednesday despite the fact that I spent all day Monday in a very good signal area.TIA 

Resolved! 249 text suspicious

I have received a text from 249 asking  to a survey about my sim card delivery.I am not an ee customer or have I ordered a sim.. I have deleted the text but should I take any further action?

Fizz_daz by Investigator
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