Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
For some reason I no longer have a visual voicemail so I don't know who's called and I can't cancel any of the after hearing the message- anyone else have the same problem
HiI have 3 contracted phones on my EE account, one each for myself, wife and son. We are going on holiday for 10 days in the summer to the USA and Mexico. I was wondering what is my best (ie. cheapest) option to be able to roam while we are out there...
I need an 0800 number to contact me, but when they try to ring it cuts off ? No number is blocked on my phone etc please help as its important
I am about to purchase a Roam Abroad pass for use in Australia for two months at 25 pounds per month.But I'm a bit confused. In the 'Get Ready to Roam' section on the EE website it says: Before your trip, turn off WiFi Calling or you will be charged...
I've received a couple of text messages saying :You have received a Picture Message from [mobile number]. To view the message, visit https://get.mms.ee.co.uk/ee/ and use your mobile number [my number] with the password [password shown]Is this a secur...
Currently on holiday in Australia. Mostly been using WiFi but today had to use data. I had organised roaming before I left the UK. My phone now says that I don't have a SIM card and cannot connect to a network. Anyone with any suggestions? Have tried...
When I try to call a South African landline I receive this recorded message: 'Your cellular service. has been suspended. ' what do I need to do in order to make calls to a SA landline from my UK mobile phone?
Hi! I'm trying to verify an account from a South Korean app, but I can't receive the verification code.I have only ever had EE and can send and receive other messages, and other people I know who have different UK phone providers have received the co...
I recently had a bill of over £350 as I was in Thailand for much of December, I had bought the daily roaming pass however made some fairly long phone calls however I have since seen that you can add a 120 min calls from anywhere pass which is £26.10 ...