HD calling to Three number only works one way

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Hi, I am testing calls between EE and a new Three number. I can call from Three to other providers including EE and the call is in HD (AMR-WB).

I can call from Vodafone to the Three number and it is also in HD (AMR-WB) however when I call from the EE number to the Three number the call reverts to non-HD. All my other calls from my EE phone to UK numbers are either HD (AMR-WB) or if EE->EE then in HD+ (EVS).

So why in EE -> Three reverting to  non-HD (AMR-NB 8k) ???


And *#0011# on my Samsung showed the codec was AMR-NB 8K

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @kieran1 and @whiskerp,

Our Technical Support Team will be happy to look into the issues you're experiencing if you get in touch.



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Skilled Contributor

I did at the time and they just blamed the other network without much research effort. It's no longer an issue for me as I ditched Three/Smarty. It was just an emergency extra phone. My main phone is on EE which seems to work well. I even get 250Mbps+ download on 4G. Vodafone barely manage 40Mbps and Three 20Mbps if you're lucky.

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Skilled Contributor

This is still an unresolved issue with different phones and numbers. It only seems to occur when calling the Three network number from EE. Calling from Three to EE is fine and from any other network to Three is fine (I mean it is HD). Tried with Samsung Galaxy S20 and S23 and recent iPhone. It needs someone who is able to trace the call setups, it not Level 1 customer services! Last time I tried with CS I got nowhere. 

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Update: I spoke to Leigh in level 2 and he has taken on the issue to try to find out why EE->Three calls are falling back to AMR-NB but the other way negotiates AMR-WB. Thank you Leigh!



EE Community Support Team

Thanks for updating us, @whiskerp 

Keep us posted please. 


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Skilled Contributor

This is still ongoing.

All mobile-mobile cross-network calls between all four main UK networks are wideband HD (AMR-WB 16kHz 12.65kbps) *EXCEPT* calls from EE to Three which are narrowband AMR-NB 8kHz 12.2kbps. Calls the other way are wideband.

Why on earth can nobody fix this???

This ISPreview posting validates what I am saying : Thread 'Call Quality Between Mobile Networks' https://www.ispreview.co.uk/talk/threads/call-quality-between-mobile-networks.39884/

So, I have this problem when calling Three/Smarty numbers, the problem seems to be on a Three level from what I can see.

I have tried from Vodafone/O2 as well to my friend who is on Three and I get non-HD voice, as soon as he calls me back on EE/Vodafone/O2, the call is in HD voice.

So personally speaking, I think the problem is with Three.

Skilled Contributor
Skilled Contributor

I have Three/Smarty, Vodafone/Lebara and EE/Now SIMs and the call is *only* non-HD in the EE->Three direction. I've tried all combinations. My daughter is on O2 and that's always HD.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

@pepstar & @whiskerp - I too am experiencing this issue that you describe. At first I thought it might just be to do with masts, different locations, different handsets, etc.

Going through the handset call logs,  Incoming calls from Three to EE display as HD, EE to Three as non HD. 

EE <--> Voda is HD.

(I don't know anyone using O2 in my circle to test).

Maybe the upcoming 3g switch off might improve things; who knows!