EE roam abroad pass cost if my allowance resets during my week abroard


Hi I have a monthly contract where my allowances reset on the 13th of every month.


I will be in Malta from 7th to the 14th. If I add the EE roam abroad pass on the 7th before I fly will I only be charged for a month or do I pay again on the 13th?

Is is cheaper to pay the £2 a day costs?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @BazGui


It may be that you're charged for the period 7th - 13th, then for the full month in advance.  If you cancel it when you get back, you'll be refunded for the time period between it ending and the next bill date.


It depends on how many days that you actually use your phone as to whether the daily option would be cheaper. If there are a few days where you don't use your phone, this option will be the cheaper one. If you get WiFi where you're staying, for instance, and you just use that for your data and don't make any calls or texts, you won't be charged for that day.



I use my phone for 7 days while abroard and have the EE roam abroad pass starting on the 7th and cancelled on the 14th and my monthly allowance resets on the 13th does it mean I will pay £20? In that case the EE roam abroad pass isnt valid for a month from the date you start it?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @BazGui


This is what our Roam Abroad pass help page says when explaining how much it costs:


"£10 per month. This cost will be added to your monthly mobile bill and will appear as a separate line in the add-ons section of your bill. If you add this service in the middle of your monthly billing period then the cost in the first month will be prorated."


You would be charge (approximately) £2.50 for the period between 7th and 13th, then for the full £10 in advance. Just make sure you cancel it when you get home, otherwise it will continue to be added to future bills. 



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@BazGui : The Roam Abroad Pass is charged pro-rata for the time you have it. So you will be billed as follows for the Roam Abroad Pass:

  1. In July Bill: 7 - 12 July: 6 days @ £10 pm = £1.93.
  2. In July Bill: 13 July - 12 Aug: 31 days @ £10 pm = £10.00.
  3. In Aug. Bill: 15 July - 12 Aug REBATE: 29 days @ £10 pm = -£9.35.

Total = £2.58 which is equivalent to your stay of 7 - 14 July: 8 days @ £10 pm = £2.58.

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@Christopher_G wrote:

It depends on how many days that you actually use your phone as to whether the daily option would be cheaper. If there are a few days where you don't use your phone, this option will be the cheaper one.

And adding to this, may there be days when you might want to use your phone, and the cost of doing so will impact whether you do or not?


£2.58 will cover your phone being used for the whole week, whereas it only takes 2 days of £2/day charges and you're already better off paying for the monthly pass on a pro-rata basis.

Hi - is this advice now out of date?

The page which @Christopher_G links to doesn't contain the text he quotes. The second sentence regarding proration no longer exists. And further down the page is the statement:

"If you cancel during your monthly billing period you’ll be charged £10 for the full month, not just for the days you had the pass."



EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

That's right @PeterMac1 

Cancelling during your billing period would still result in a £10 charge for the pass.


Thanks @James_B .

But are the initial days prorated too?.

Real example -  I leave for the US this monday 27th for 10 days.

As it happens my billing period starts on the 26th (sunday) I think to be sure I'll not enable until this sunday.

But if I did today (24th)- would I be prorated for 2 days then charged £10 regardless of when I cancelled next month? or would I be charged £20 total  - £10 for this month and £10 for next month regardless?



EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @PeterMac1,

The charges would be prorated for the period until your next billing date.

To make sure you can use your pass, please text ROAMING to 150 before you travel to make sure roaming is activated on your account.

Hope this helps.
