Cannot receive calls from certain numbers

Established Contributor
Established Contributor


hope someone can help. I am having trouble receiving calls from certain numbers, specifically my wife and a friend at work. Both constantly get call failed / no such number when they try to call. Others have complained of the same. I have only been with the network for just over a week but the same problem was occurring on my previous contract with a different handset with Asda mobile (also using EE network). This isn’t therefore sim or handset related. 


Had a frustrating 40 min chat session yesterday with EE - going round in circles only to be told that the “systems were down” and to try later. I insisted on this being escalated but have heard nothing back.


This is a serious matter as my wife needs to be able to contact me in case of emergency due to personal reasons.


I switched from Asda specifically because of this problem thinking a change to a reputable network and a change of handset (to iPhone X) would solve this issue.


any help would be appreciated but please kindly note that this is NOT phone or sim related as both have been changed recently. It appears to be network related or a specific issue with the routing of calls to my number.


In researching  this Online I have read of others having similar problems on virgin network (also EE service).


Was hoping for better support from EE if I’m being honest


thanks in advance 

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @domhankinson


Thanks for coming back to me.


If you can get back in touch with our Tech Gurus, they have account access to get this investigated for you.



I am having the exact same issue.. did you manage to get it resolved?

EE Community Support Team

Good Morning @Liannamj


Thanks for coming to the community. 


Have you also recently ported your number?


Have you followed any of the advice previously advised?


Speak soon, 


Katie 🙂

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Still not resolved for me. My issue was escalated to a higher technical team and the outcome was that there was apparently ‘no issues’ with my service.


feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall!

EE Community Support Team

Sorry to hear that, @domhankinson.


Have you been speaking to the Tech Gurus over live chat or over the phone?


Did they say why they know there's no issues with your service?



Did this ever get resolved?  I have exactly the same issue, I ported my number from Vodafone a few days ago and whilst all outgoing calls and data is working, I can only receive incoming calls from people on EE.  All other calls just fail to connect completely.  Tech support over the phone and chat haven't been able to resolve. 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

No it didn’t, sorry.

Try getting someone who can’t call you to change their 4g setting to data only (not calls) and see if that works. Obviously not a permanent fix but will at least give an idea of what the problem is.

Would be interested to know how you get on if you could keep us posted.



No unfortunately this is still ongoing 😞 I spoke to the technical team several times but they have been unable to resolve and starting to demand too much of my time and asking for too much detail such as dates and times called, the networks of all the people that can’t call etc.
EE Community Support Team

Good Afternoon, 


I would recommend if you have recently ported and having issues with calls to get in touch with our technical care team. 


As previously advised a diagnostic will be ran and examples may be needed for the team to look into this for a solution. 


Please be sure to keep us updated and let me know if you have any further questions, 


Katie 🙂

Just an update, my issues resolved themselves over the weekend, and i'm now able to receive calls as expected.