No service
Good afternoon ... Since Tuesday I can't send text messages, I can't make calls and I can't access the Internet. Can you help me give me a solution? Please
Discussion about mobile networks
Good afternoon ... Since Tuesday I can't send text messages, I can't make calls and I can't access the Internet. Can you help me give me a solution? Please
I have a EE 3G contract for my Nokia 3310 (2001 version). I don't use data on 3G, and make about a dozen outgoing calls per year, in 'emergencies'. Hence my phone has very low but very important usage. Since 2G is not being turned off, I should be ab...
Hi I have tried contacting EE and I don’t get the text message they say they are going to send . My phone hardly works and I have been trying for three days to get help
EE are garbage, I have the same problem in Croydon. I'm just waiting for my contract to expire so I can leave EE for good before they charge me even more.
Hi everyone,I just joined EE and not happy with the network performance in my area Sale. I can not be online without cut-off of network after 2minutes. This is keeping me so miserable can anyone help with what to do?
hi all I live in east devon and in a village call lymstone . I have to use WiFi when at home and when I walk into village I lose my signal completely down to one bar and it doesn’t even allow me to be make a call or hear when on a call any suggestio...
I have been based in the Spencers Wood area since 2016 and the general coverage in the areas extending unto Shinfield, Riseley is very poor, getting 5G impossible, even making calls is hard all the time. Inside the home we have to resort to WiFi call...
My phone was not able to make and receive calls since yesterday late evening.
I have also found the EE signal weaker around the Country. I have both a phone and a mobile WiFi/Myfi contract. The phone signal often loses connection in area where the signal was always good. The bigger problem is the WiFi/Myfi. I use this i...
I did not get any notification about 3G shutting down. I have been happily sending texts but today discovered I can no longer call out or receive calls. I texted "handset" to 150 and was told that my handset does support 4G - but it's been working on...