Hi, I can’t take or receive call for the past days now please can anyone help me?
Discussion about mobile networks
Hi, I can’t take or receive call for the past days now please can anyone help me?
When my husband and I speak to other ee mobiles our voices start to sound robotic! I have phoned tech people but they said to update our phones. This didn't work, the tech guy said he's call back but he didn't. I feel we are paying for a poor serv...
Is there a problem how long to connect as I need mobile for taxis tomorrow
i have the same issue as the original poster. Sometimes my signal is showing full 5g and i cannot connect to anything that requires internet. In central london and areas near my work where most days i have no issues. its usually when ive been connect...
Same issue on my iPhone 13 mini. Displays a strong 4G signal to the network but just keeps loading and loading and loading and nothing happens until it times out. It happens so often that I’ve learnt the sequence it follows. If it loads for more than...
We install LTE receivers for our clients in very rural areas and have recently come across several installations using EE SIMs where the download speed is not matching the signal strength. The speedtests at the router wired are peaking up to 40Mbps f...
Hello, my SIM card has not worked for about 3 weeks and my English is very bad and I don't know what to do to restart it. Because I only have an ID card and no passport, I still can't get help from the ee store
Hello, We have an 11 acre small holding near Hailsham, East Sussex. Our rural area has very poor mobile reception. Looking at the options for renting land for a tower. Is this something EE would be interested in?
I have the IPad Pro 2022 , when leave it for a few hours and then go to use it there is no internet connection, just a spinning wheel . I turn it off and back on and it’s back to normal, just a bit annoying.
Since around beginning of November I have no mobile signal indoors, getting a message ‘Not registered on network’ when trying to make a call.WiFi calling appears to work.If I walk about 100 metres away from the house, then I can get a variable signal...