Re: Phone not ringing, just get text notification of voicemail


Hello, I noticed this started on my Oppo Reno late last year. Your figures of 8 out 10 calls is similar to mine, and completely unpredictable. Throughout January I did lots of tests and was in touch with Technical Support Level 2 for the month.

It's the VoLTE (also known as 4G calling or HD calling) setting in my case. For some reason my phone doesn't have a setting to switch it on or off, but also it doesn't seem to have it in an "on" state. Which was never a problem, but in August EE did something to the network which meant my calls stopped being HD, and in September/October 2023 I noticed many calls going to answer phone.

There isn't anything that they could do. I hoped they receive many reports of this and reinstate whatever they've changed. I had to buy a new phone, with VoLTE enabled.


Hello, I noticed this started on my Oppo Reno late last year. Throughout January I did lots of tests and was in touch with Technical Support Level 2 for the month.

It's the VoLTE (also known as 4G calling or HD calling) setting. For some reason my phone doesn't have a setting to switch it on or off, but also it doesn't seem to have it in an "on" state. Which was never a problem, but in August EE did something to the network which meant my calls stopped being HD, and in September/October 2023 I noticed many calls going to answer phone.

There isn't anything that they could do. I hoped they receive many reports of this and reinstate whatever they've changed. I had to buy a new phone, with VoLTE enabled.


Hello, I noticed this started on my Oppo Reno late last year. Throughout January I did lots of tests and was in touch with Technical Support Level 2 for the month.

It's the VoLTE (also known as 4G calling or HD calling) setting. For some reason my phone doesn't have a setting to switch it on or off, but also it doesn't seem to have it in an "on" state. Which was never a problem, but in August EE did something to the network which meant my calls stopped being HD, and in September/October 2023 I noticed many calls going to answer phone.

There isn't anything that they could do. I hoped they receive many reports of this and reinstate whatever they've changed. I had to buy a new phone, with VoLTE enabled.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

A non-VoLTE phone would have been likely using 3G for calls until late last year - where WB-AMR (HD voice) was available.

3G has now been switched off meaning voice fallback is to 2G. VoLTE support is far preferable.

The drop in call quality was sadly very noticeable. My handset did have 4G, I'm not sure why it didn't seem to have VoLTE.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @PlantPower 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Have you experienced the same happening with your new phone? 

You can find information regarding the 3G switch off as @bristolian has mentioned, in our We’re Switching Off Our 3G Network ( page. 



My new Oppo Find X5 has VoLTE on by default (there is a symbol in the status bar), though there is no switch to turn it on and off unlike on other phones. I receive calls as normal again and in HD.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for letting me know @PlantPower 
