Phone calls cutting off


Been with EE for two years now and I’ve never had any problems until recently where every phone call I’ve made has hung up randomly every 10-15 minutes.

My Wifi Calling is off it happens everywhere and I’m using a IPhone 13 is there a fix to this, I’ve had this phone for only 2 years.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Are you in a similar location when calls drop?

Does VoLTE (Android) or 4G-call (Apple) show onscreen when you have call problems?

It’s everywhere I’m at so far both when I’m the one receiving the calls and when I’m the one making them too and no nothing shows up when this happens it’s just the normal screen.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks, @Sianay 

Is your phone on the latest software?


Yes my phones up to date as far as I’m aware it’s also started happening to my partner who’s also with EE but he has a different phone make and model we haven’t left our city so we’re not sure if it will continue elsewhere  

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Does VoLTE (Android) or 4G-call (Apple) show onscreen when you have call problems?