No signal


Hi, at home and work I have little to no signal, ee service is completely unusable. I have to tether off a decent network in order to go on any Internet based page. I've tried calling support multiple times with no answer and on the app I can't speak to anyone or check my signal as apparently I don't have a plan (I have a simo). I've been with ee around a year and I've lost my patience and just want to leave my contract. Thanks!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Is this a recent problem, or is this an area of known poor coverage? Does the coverage webtool predict indoor service in this location?

Every operator has good & bad coverage areas. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Tcward41 

Can you use ee WiFi calling service. 

How long is remaining on your sim only plan. 


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

No, it's been consistently bad despite showing decent indoor coverage

No, it doesn't seem to like my phone but I also need data

I unfortunately have around a year left and have been quoted over 300 to exit despite the issues 

@Tcward41 wrote:

No, it's been consistently bad despite showing decent indoor coverage

The checker isn't a guarantee of service, but if the real-world service grossly differs from the prediction over a reasonable area - and multiple EE users are affected by this - then that should be reported for further investigation.

It's worth checking that the outdoor coverage broadly matches the prediction in this location, as building construction can easily affect radio penetration.

As a forum tip, you have a short-time after posting to edit your reply, reducing the need for multiple short replies.

Thank you.

I'm aware it's not a guarantee but every other network works completely fine, at the very least a customer should expect decent service at their home and work, especially if the guidance is that there's decent service. 


I'm also aware that construction can impact signal, however the signal barely exists within any building which again, a customer should expect a phone to work in a building. All I want is service at the places I spend 95% of my time. It was bad, but not THIS bad previously so something has obviously changed.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Tcward41 wrote:

I've lost my patience and just want to leave my contract. Thanks!

Have you reported your issues to EE-CS, and allowed them a chance to investigate the root cause?