31-08-2024 12:12 PM
I recently received my PS5 from EE, which comes with a 24 month PlayStation Plus subscription and a £70 EE gaming giftcard, however the gift card wasn't included in with the console, or the PlayStation Plus vouchers.
Is there somewhere else I'm supposed to apply for the gift card, or was it supposed to be included with everything else?
31-08-2024 02:39 PM
Hi @DavidB92
It is sent separately, automatically. You should receive it within 14 days. If you don't receive it within that timescale, I recommend getting in touch with our Mobile Care team so they can process it manually for you.
31-08-2024 02:44 PM
Great, thanks! 😊
31-08-2024 02:46 PM
You're welcome, @DavidB92 🙂
26-11-2024 06:16 PM
Out of interest, did you get the vouchers as I’m having exactly the same problem now!
19-02-2025 05:25 PM
Same for me now.
Can you confirm that you received them separately? And was it physically or via email?
20-02-2025 08:16 AM
Hi there @PaTii
Thanks for coming to the community 🙂
You should receive details for the GameCard by text message within 2 days. Full details can be found on the Using your EE GameCard page.
How long ago did you order the PlayStation? Did you add the PlayStation to an existing mobile account to pay monthly?