29-10-2024 12:56 PM
I always visit the website to view and download my bills.
I have tried today and yesterday but every time I click on Bills & Payments or view my bill nothing happens.!!!
Is there a problem with your website?
29-10-2024 03:23 PM
Welcome to the community!
I'm disappointed to hear you're having a spot of bother viewing your bills online.
Have you tried a different web browser or device to see if this helps resolve the issue?
Does the same thing happen when using the EE app?
29-10-2024 07:46 PM
@SIMONTOZER wrote:I have tried today and yesterday but every time I click on Bills & Payments or view my bill nothing happens.!!!
Have you tried using the mobile app? If that is also bust that would rule out the browser.
There has been a spate of similar reports. EE's response has been to advise people to go through the usual "the problem is at your end" fixes.
When the same thing hit me, some weeks ago, I tried everything and got nowhere. In the end one of the community minders here took pity on me and asked me for my account details.
Mobile Number:
Error Seen:
Account number if available:
EE ID E-mail address:
They then promised to forward those details to the support team. A few days later things started working again on the app and the website.
I never did receive any acknowledgement from support, but when I reported back here people were still suffering. So I concluded that it was down to something in the EE system.
As I say, this us surmise on my part. EE still hasn't said anything that I have seen.
Good luck. You may need it.
29-10-2024 08:07 PM
I also have the same issue and I know exactly where the problem lies. Your EE id most likely has two accounts attached to it, your real account which has your billing information and a phantom account which is also your default account which contains no information at all. On the website and app it is impossible to switch between accounts.
I've explained this to BT so many times I'm losing the will to live. Nothing is ever done and I don't think they even understand the problem. On one occasion the support agent asked me for my password so he could login and see exactly what I'm seeing.
30-10-2024 11:21 AM
@voipon1 wrote:Your EE id most likely has two accounts attached to it, your real account which has your billing information and a phantom account which is also your default account which contains no information at all. On the website and app it is impossible to switch between accounts.
Aha. At last, someone is coming up with a credible hypothesis. Pity it has to be someone from moutside BT/EE.
None of this "the problem is at your end" stuff. They still trot variants on that one out from time to time.
In my case I have two EE phone numbers on my account. I wonder if that confounds the issue.
I also have two BT phone/broadband lines and accounts on my login there. In the BT case, the system's handling of the two accounts is horrendous. It has no memory whatsoever of which account you are in when you do things.
It is also a dog's dinner when you come to manage any TV subscriptions.
I wonder if they contracted the design of this system out to the people the Post Office used for Horizon.