How do I switch to sim only?

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My contract expires in 44 days, when I go to the upgrade section on my account all I can see are phones.

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Established Contributor

@Jimbob150687 wrote:

I was hoping to save a few hundred quid by moving to a sim only earlier but they like to squeeze you for as long as they can 

Does this roughly translate as "I was hoping to save some money by finding a backdoor around my contract, but EE like you to see out your minimum term"?

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Established Contributor

Haha, no I was hoping they’d follow their terms instead of fobbing me off and ripping me off. It clearly states and even a community guide said 45 days before contract you can change to a sim only but I’ve spoken to 3 people and they say it’s wrong what the website says and it’s 30 now and even then you have to wait until the contract ends to move to the new plan. 

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Established Contributor

Even if I decide to upgrade to a new device I’ll have to wait 3s months for it taking me past my contract end forcing me to continue paying for a device I’ve paid for 

@Jimbob150687 wrote:

It clearly states and even a community guide said 45 days before contract you can change to a sim only... then you have to wait until the contract ends to move to the new plan. 

Even when the upgrade window was 45days, a request to change to SIM-only was just that - a request.

It would be actioned on the expiry of the minimum term. Only a phone upgrade back onto a new minimum-term was ever the way of ending an existing minimum-term only.

All that's changed is a shortening of the window.

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Established Contributor

What’s the point of the 30 day window when you have to wait until the end of the contract anyway? 

usually to upgrade you can 45 days earlier but clearly not anymore 

@Jimbob150687 wrote:

What’s the point of the 30 day window when you have to wait until the end of the contract anyway? 

It allows you to purchase an upgrade phone from 30days prior to the end of your minimum term, and have that new phone a few days later - if you so wish. The final month of your minimum term is scrapped, and you start a new 24month one.

As per my previous post in this thread, the early upgrade window was reduced form 45>30days in May '24.

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Established Contributor

The post is about changing to sim only. Not a new device. 

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Established Contributor

Unless you have an iPhone 16. Pro max then it’ll arrive past the contract end date if you’re lucky 

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Established Contributor

So went they try and charge and early fee that’s a con then as they won’t change it until after the minimum term anyway?