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Re: My EE login issues - still?!




I am the same! Can’t check my bills, subscriptions or anything else because of this problem. It’s really getting a bit ridicules! I got told that I might need to give them several weeks and that it’s not their fault that it’s just an error. Which I replied “that it would be understandable if I wasn't paying over £80 every month for this hassle… not to mention that my internet speeds ain’t great either considering i’am also paying for the highest speeds possible, and only receiving around 200mbps download and 20/30mbps upload speeds. 


To be honest if I hade the money I would just pay in full what I owe them just so I could leave because iam honestly starting to think that they are doing this on purpose so they can add extra charges to your bill every month and there’s no way that you can check I am going to go to citizens advice or something like that to see if I can do anything about this because I am really not comfortable with this situation and also my internet speeds went down to 70s mbps download and 20s mbps and I’m on the fastest speeds possible