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Cant link accounts



I'm trying to link my broadband account with my phone account but I'm unable to do so using the app or from calling 150 customer service. Any suggestions? Many thanks


I am having the same issue. CANNOT LINK ACCOUNTS!!! This a joke now EE and wholly unacceptable. There are so many issues with this on the EE community without 1 single solution. Getting told to CONTACT US is not a solution. If it were so easy to CONTACT US then nobody would be wasting their time on this useless community! I have literally just got off the phone from EE and they said if I log in, I will automatically get a message to LINK ACCOUNTS. That did not happen. This is crazy, all I want to do is see my bills in one place!!!!!! HELP PLEASE. 

Hi, I spent months in contact with  EE often on a daily basis,  over this issue, it eventually come together and I could see all my accounts, who they managed to fix mine and yet not fix others is baffling. Like you every time I spoke to someone they said they would pass it to the technical team (or the not very technical team)

At one point I was told to delete my account and re-install it, but you can't do that as every time I picks up your old account.

I spoke to staff in an EE shop, they seemed to think it was an easy fix, the fix they told me was to get EE to delete my account and re-install it, as above that can't be done.

A lot of these problem have been caused in my opinion by BT pushing every one onto EE, and the problem has been EE can't migrate your BT account into your EE account. I don't understand what's going on with the BT brand, why have dumped the broadband and mobile all to EE, sadly to an inferior service and product.

Also I have found the EE router is not as good as the BT one, in my case the wifi strength is not as strong and I struggle to get a signal to parts of the house where it was ok before.

I hope you get your billing sorted out, all you can do is keep on at them, I contacted BT head office regarding these billing issues whether that helped I'm not sure.


Hi Jon,

according to sources there are thousands with this problem, EE do not have a solution and do not according to my experiences with the customer services have one any time soon. What was explained to me was all of BT domestic home broadband will go over to EE, BT will continue with business broadband only, i.e. the big money. Domestic broadband is obviously too much trouble.

A real cracker is that if you say ok as I cannot view my account which is something we should be able to do and pay the bill online, until this is fixed you could choose direct debit or if you say no you can have a paper bill but they charge you £3 for the privilege. 

This problem I will say is not going to be fixed anytime soon seeing as the IT support is in a far away country....


according to sources there are thousands with this problem, EE do not have a solution and do not according to my experiences with the customer services have one any time soon. What was explained to me was all of BT domestic home broadband will go over to EE, BT will continue with business broadband only, i.e. the big money. Domestic broadband is obviously too much trouble.

A real cracker is that if you say ok as I cannot view my account which is something we should be able to do and pay the bill online, until this is fixed you could choose direct debit or if you say no you can have a paper bill but they charge you £3 for the privilege. 

The router problem is another one, again mass produced, on the cheap, I was told when I bought this up with EE and explained I used powerline WIFI extenders to use CAT 6 cables for connection so I changed them and what happened, nothing.

I had a conversation with a telecoms engineer and he told me that WIFI in houses is hit and miss due to the build, even worse in a lot of new builds, this is why they want you to buy the expensive mesh devices, he said that the only reliable way is to hard wire the house.

The only course of action is to leave but that will cost us, is you get in contact with EE and ask for an engineer to visit, they will check you wireless and if they are not providing the line speeds you can leave without penalties. but I will say you will still have the WIFI problems as BT own all the lines.

I did have this problem so it obviously can be fixed. I kept on at them and raised a complaint and then it didn't take long. I don't think EE customer services are up to speed with this (no excuse) I also get a text when BB & phone bills are being taken. My router works fine and I also use 2 wifi extenders one is hardwired the other not. Using Cat5 cable. As to the build of the house, mine is a mix of solid blocks and brickwork about 40 years old.

Another issue is Hybrid connect 4G backup, that took a while to sort as it seems they are sent out unconfigured for your account. I got a call from back office technical support after complaining they had sent me 3, the 4th being configured and it works!

It would be interesting to know if any current Openreach or BT staff also have these problems.

I'm not employed by EE but ex BT (not BB) 

I'm having the same problem.

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @Sheena691 

Thanks for posting on the community 🙂

Do you get an error message when trying to link the account in the EE app? 


Hi Leanne,

Yes, you will get that, I did but after several discussions with EE support over the phone who promised to look into it with the IT department. I am now linked but had no knowledge this had been done, only discovered when discussing another issue with them.

You may have had your accounts linked but they have not told you. When you login to your account look to the top right of the page, you will see an icon of nine small squares with the title Manage, click this it then a box comes up asking what you want, click on bills and payments which takes you to the Bills page, here you will see if your accounts are linked I have an account for my mobile and one for my Broadband, I have not got them as one.

The problem with this is, EE took over the domestic customers from BT, and went with their own system which created all the confusion when linking.

Kind Regards

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Theknock wrote:
I have an account for my mobile and one for my Broadband, I have not got them as one.

Do you mean "account" here or "bill"? You will always have separate bills with EE for BB & mobile, but you may have them managed by the same EE login a/c.

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP
I have an account for my mobile and one for my Broadband, I have not got them as one.

What I mean here is they are not merged, but are separate even though they are both accessed by my EE login, yes, they are separate bills but also separate accounts under one login.

The linking aspect is where I already had a EE login with my mobile but EE would link the broadband aaccount with the mobile login.

EE are also now calling to see if you want the accounts in my case mobile and broadband merged as one or kept separate.

Kind Regards
