Samsung A51 - showing new sim number not number ported over


I upgraded from Tmobile PAYG to an EE contract with a new Samsung A51 yesterday, carrying my old number over. I got a new SIM in the phone with a diferent number but ported my old one over. Have checked texts/calls in and out are coming from my old number, which they are, but the number showing in my contacts for me is the number for the new SIM. Does anyone know how to change this?

EE Community Support Team

Hello @mc39


Thanks for coming to the community. 


You will be provided a SIM which holds a temporary number but your original number will be ported over. 


Please try follow these steps and let me know how you get on:


Contacts app > Selecting 'Myself' at the top > Edit > Scroll down to 'Phone Number' > Make the necessary changes > Save.

