Account suspended


Hi! My account has been suspended. I’ve paid my last bill which was due 10/12/2021 and the next one isn’t due until 10/01/2022, for which I have paid £20. However my account is still suspended. Because of this, I have no way of calling the helpline and the EE live chat says it is closed, despite saying it’s open from 8am everyday. 
If any one knows what I can do it would be very much appreciated! 

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Beth1018


Thanks for coming to the community. 


Has any payment been late?


Was your account suspended before you made your payment?


Speak soon, 



Thanks for the really quick reply! My account was suspended the other day as I paid my bill late but it was all back to normal yesterday. 
this morning I woke up and it was suspended again. I’m abroad at the moment and really need my phone, I’m not impressed that I can’t contact EE. 

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Beth1018


When did you make your payment?


It can take 24 hours for the bar to fully lift. 


Are you currently outside the EU?


Speak soon, 


Katie 🙂

Hi @Beth1018 


Do you have access either to another phone?


Or an internet/WiFi connection that you could use for Skype or a web-calling app?

I made the payment this morning. But will any payment amount restore my services as I cannot pay my next month’s bill in full now? 

Also, yes I have access to wifi 🙂 


thank you! 

Installing a web-calling app such as Skype, should enable you to call EE C/S over a WiFi connection.


But having said that, if you only made the payment "this morning", then as per previous posts it can take 24hours for restrictions to fully lift.