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4g LTE±. Unlimited sim in 4g router

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Hi, just started with EE at the beginning of Jan and have an unlimited data sim in a Huawei B535. What I've noticed I generally get below 60mb  {typically 40mb) whereas if I put my BT work sim in I get 100mb. This to me  seems like  it's been throttled back and 4g+ isn't being allowed by the EE sim. THE BT sim on the same network is unencumbered. Is this plausible?

Don't get me wrong I'm not that bothered as what I had before was a flakey 12mb landline, it's just I've not seen this written in any of the terms. My neighbour who has 4gee router 2 for 55£ a month doesn't get LTE+ speeds either, for him it's more of a struggle as he's using a range extender to his office and so by the time it gets there his 40mb end up being a quarter of that.  For my neighbour it could be his location, but for me it definately seems like the EE sim is restricted.



Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

Check your APN settings in the Router as they are different between EE and BT Business and this may stop the Router on giving you 4G+ over normal 4G.


If the Router is set to Auto APN try setting up a Manual APN for the correct EE settings and set that as default as Huawei Routers can sometime do strange things if there left on Auto.


Other thing to check is what your SIM Plan is, Essential or Smart, as far as I know non Smart Plans on Unlimited Data may be Speed Capped.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Thanks I will give that a try with the APN, it's currently on auto. I should add its actually a 5g mobile plan with unlimited data and minutes and texts(£37/pm). Don't know if that makes any difference. But you would think if it could do 5g (which I can't get where I live anyway) they wouldn't restrict you on 4g. 

No if your on a 5G Plan then there shouldn't be any Speed Restrictions, I mentioned that because EE do do some Speed Capping on some 4G Plans, I was on an Unlimited 4G Plan over a year ago and was capped at 60mbs on 4G+ despite EE telling me that all Unlimited Plans were not capped, had to upgrade to a 5G plan to get around the problem in the end  even though there was no 5G in my area at the time, after that on on good day and the wind blowing in the right direction I could get around +250mb on a good 4G+ Signal.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Ha. It turns out I had already done this when I originally set it up and forgot (getting old!) . I switched it back to auto. Made no difference to the speed out of the EE sim. I should be content really vs what I had before but when you have had a taste of more speed you always want a bit more and become suspicious when another sim seems to get the extra.

It is probably reasonable speed as well because the mast I'm using is 5miles away (the local one is only 700m away but it's down with no date for repair), I'm on a hill but have clear line of sight to it. 

Ok, what makes you think the local Site is down?, May be down but your Router may still be logged onto to it or some of your extra Carrier Aggregate  on 4G+ (LTE A) may be still be coming from the there.


What the Huawei Router reading on the Signal Strengths and EE Site number etc, is that telling you anything ?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Drpau wrote:

It is probably reasonable speed as well because the mast I'm using is 5miles away (the local one is only 700m away but it's down with no date for repair), I'm on a hill but have clear line of sight to it. 

Out of interest, what makes you so certain that you're using a site further away? There's several scenarios in which this could happen.


This can also often depend which 4G bands are used on each site - it's entirely possible that the distant serving site is equipped with additional 4G spectrum, making it a more preferable option.


I'm not familiar with the router software you're using, but does it give a readout for eNB ID anywhere?

Huawei's normally give Cell ID. Rather than eNBID  Followed the SS, RSRQ, SNR etc.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Thanks for the comments. I'm basing it on the cell I'd that my router says I'm connected to ( 17636 one of the cells being 4514835} {that and huactrl app)which is in a place called longridge.  Regarding the down mast, it's based on my neighbour being informed by EE it was down and they had no date to fix (13297 one of cells being 3404033 (he had phoned to ask about his speeds) and I've also been on the coverage checker which tells me there's a problem with a mast but no date for a fix. The cell ids for this mast (from cellmapper)  never pop up in the Huawei app so I had just assumed that's because its down (suppose it could be that because I have line of site with the other and decent signal?) 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

And the current stats for 4514835 are rsrq=-4, rssi=-71 , rsrp=-94 and sinr=-22.