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New EE TV service on Apple TV


I understand the new EE TV Service has just been launched, including via a customised EE Apple TV 4K box. I currently have Sky Stream so EE TV via an Apple TV box is a. good proposition. It would be great to hear reviews of the service via Apple TV from those who are early adopters of the service (I assume some trials must have taken place too)


@NBLHome there aren't currently any plans to offer an ad removal/skip service on EE TV.

Catch up content is all launched in the respective content provider apps - EE don't store any catch up content.

EE Employee

Thanks @johnfibarr - I'll pass on your feedback.

@michaelamherst see the comments above yours - this isn't something we can add.

Thanks for clarifying Darren 

Hi darren 

The 4 things i would like added to the app are pause and rewind a playlist and an on screen epg banner oh and also maybe a continue watching rail .

It feels like its not complete in its current format. 
