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Setting Up Iphone 14


2 weeks since upgrading my daughters phone to an iPhone 14. Tomorrow morning that thing is going back. Got the iPhone and she tried to set up the esim, that didn't work, so she put her old sim in and that didn't work. Called ee and was told to go and pick up a sim from the ee store. Went to the ee store but they couldn't activate the sim as the esim was still downloading. Spoke to ee on the phone and they sent a sim card out and told us it was activated. It wasn't, my daughter was asked to put in a number to get a text with a core. She put in her number and that didn't work, so she put in mine instead and that worked and that also blocked my sim. So I put her new sim in my phone because my number was now attached to that and she got another sim card sent out. I called when I received it to activate it. They couldn't activate it because of some security measure due to having a few sims sent out. So they escalated it and said someone will call in a few days, no one called, I left it a week before I called them. The woman said she would send a QR code out and my daughter can set up the esim with that. The following day I get a notification stating that my sim card isn't registered on the network, so basically now my sim card is blocked again. Yes I was clear what number I was ringing about, I stated my daughters number and read it out to the person on the phone. So my question is why has it taken 2 weeks to sort out something that should have been straightforward? The iPhone 14 has been on the market since September and they are still having problems with it. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Mikeb2102     Nothing like blaming the network for issues that have been caused by yourself.     Factory reset the iPhone do not put “your” sim in the device,   SIM cards when replaced need 24 hours to activate.  Do not try to activate an esim unless you have a physical SIM card in the device the esim needs information and that comes from the sim.   If you are already using an esim in an old iPhone you can send that esim via Bluetooth when setting up the new device.      More importantly when are you trying to activate the esim ?  You don’t gain anything from using it unless your daughter has two phone numbers. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Sorry, but if I was told the correct information by the network in the first place then I wouldn't be blaming them. I've been a customer with EE for over 10 years, never had a problem until now. I didn't block my sim card, whoever I spoke to from EE on Saturday did that, when I was trying to get my daughter's sim card sorted (They are two different sim cards and I was clear on the phone that I needed a sim card for my daughter's number, not my number).  How exactly is that not the network's fault? Also my daughter is 13, when she was setting up her iPhone 14 it gave her the option to transfer all the information from her physical sim that was in her iPhone 12, that's the option she chose to do and it came up with an error message. The person I spoke to from EE after she received the error message said "Go to the EE shop and they will give you an activated sim". While I was in the EE shop the guy in the shop said he couldn't give us an activated sim and while I was in the shop I rang EE again and the person in the shop spoke to him and handed the phone back, that's when they sent out a replacement sim card that would be activated "So it's just a case of popping it into your daughter's phone and she'll be good to go". How is that not the networks fault if they are giving me incorrect information? (Person on the phone telling me one thing and the person in the store telling me something different) The sim card wasn't activated, so I was given the wrong information again, but I guess that isn't EE's fault either. I've just been on the phone to them about my phone, luckily I have a pay as you go sim also in my phone that I managed to ring them from. They have just told me to go in store and pick up sims for mine and my daughter's phones

Ok, so the EE advisor sent me to the same store that was a waste of time going to two weeks ago. He said they were open at 9:30am, they opened at 11am (luckily I got down there at 10:58 and not 9:30). When I did get in the store they didn't have any sims in stock at all. So yeah it is easy to blame the network, they're the ones sending me on wild goose chases. So I had to ring up EE again and the guy said I could ring round and see if any other stores have them in stock. Brilliant idea, except for one massive flaw...I can't ring round stores, because EE have blocked my sim card. The number I called them from is a pay as you go sim that I use for incoming calls only (I mentioned this at the start of the phone call). I can only ring 150 on it. So, he rang around and found a store that has them in stock. So, hopefully I'll get this sorted today

Ok You're gonna love this one Chris. So I went to the store that I was told to go to, they gave me two new sim cards; One for my phone, one for my daughter's phone. The woman who served me activated them, I put my sim card in my phone, tested it and it was working perfectly. She then said wait a couple of minutes I need to make sure these have both been activated properly, then I received a Sim not provisioned message. I tried calling EE and it said "not registered to network". I mentioned this and she said if you still get problems in an hour or two then call 150, so I did The guy from technical support took the numbers from the back of the sims and said they had both been activated and deactivated straight away. So I can either wait a few days for 2 new sims or I can go back to the store, I have decided on the latter so I can tell the person what she did and hope it doesn't happen to others. The good news is that I know for sure that these issues weren't caused by myself and EE are wiping my whole months bill for both phones. Hopefully the sims I get again will work this time

Having just purchased an iphone14 and encountering the same problem I haven’t a clue what you’ve said. The phone doesn’t physically take a card so what the are you talking about? How the fell is it supposed to work for someone who has never encountered this before.

The phone does take a sim card. The slot is on the bottom of the left side of the phone. You get the sim card slot pin that should be in your box, put it in the hole on the sim card slot and the sim card tray will pop out and you put the sim card in the tray, and put the tray back in the phone

@Kristofer13   did you buy your iphone 14 from the USA?

They do not have a sim card slot, other markets may be the same. A genuine on bought in the UK does have a sim card slot.

No. I took out a contract with ee in the UK and they sent me the phone. The USA models apparently don't have a sim tray. There's a photo of my daughters iPhone 14 and as you can see, it has a sim card slot. Also there's a photo of the box the iPhone 14 came in, which clearly states iPhone 14



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Mikeb2102  my reply was to @Kristofer13 . He was the one claiming there was no sim slot.