Number Porting



I have read a number of posts already on the number porting process and some of EE's own help articles which were confusing slightly.

I am here because this old brain would just like to get some clarity if I can please?

I got my EE sim Saturday morning, I activated the sim and then filled out the necessary details to get my number ported across.

I got a text message lunch time Saturday from EE stating: 

"Hi from EE. We will transfer your number by 6pm on {dd/mm}. Thanks"

As you can see there is no date, just the code.

So my questions are:

1. From reading posts on here would I be correct in assuming they do not carry out number ports over the weekend?

2. As no date came through with the text from EE would it be safe to assume the number port will happen today or tomorrow at the latest?

I have had no other text messages from EE regarding the number port as of yet.

Thanks in advance for any clarity and assistance you can give me.




Accepted Solutions


Just a quick update to say the replacement SIM arrived today.

I swapped it out with the original one and all is now working correctly and as it should do.

Thank for your help everyone.



View solution in original post

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Derek_W

Thanks for coming here. 

That's right, number ports aren't processed over the weekend. 

As you made this request on a weekend, it will take two working days to complete. 

Information on Number Porting can be found by visiting our EE Help Pages

If you have any more questions please be sure to let me know.


Thanks Katie, much appreciated.

I guess I am looking at Tuesday for the number port then?



EE Community Support Team

Hi @Derek_W

Yes, I believe the team will be processing this. 

Please be sure to let us know once your number port completes. 


Ok I am getting slightly concerned now.

According to the online help article I should get two texts, one telling the port process and one to let me know it has finished.

It is fast approaching mid day now and I have still not received the text telling me the process to port my number has started.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Derek_W

It can take up till midnight tonight to complete. 

If you want to ensure your number port has been processed please give us a call. 


Thanks Katie,

Spoke with a very nice lady who was able to assist me.

My number has been ported across successfully.



HI Katie,

It seems I spoke to soon, people are saying that the temp number is still showing up for them.

I an receive messages in my ported number but the temp number shows when I text out/call

This is not acceptable and I need a resolution quickly 

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

We had same on SIMs only on 2 iPhones. Had about a week where in different apps, our ported no’s and temporary numbers operated side by side.

Had to be escalated to a Mobile Tech, but was sorted eventually.

Hope one of the staffers here can point you in the right direction.

EE Fibre 900 via SH+ with 2 Extenders, EE TV Pro & Mini boxes, 2 EE SIM's only, all originally BT, and wishing it still was.
LG Oled, Denon/Cambridge Audio 7.1, Panasonic 4K player, Apple TV 4K
EE Community Support Team


With the incoming calls/texts coming through correctly, can you restart your phone and test the outgoing calls again? 

If it's still not going through correctly, it may not fully complete until midnight. 
